you were such a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me - trustin

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// mmmm yay trustin angst 😁

Here you go @Trustins



Despite his appearance and what the media said, Justin wasn't stupid. Sure, his beauty was clearly more noticeable, and he didn't speak a lot, but he wasn't stupid. In fact, he was quite smart, both academically and emotionally. 

So he was well aware that Trent didn't really love him. 

Justin took a sip of water as he contemplated his mess of a love life in the (most definitely) rat infested hotel lobby.

Sure, the guy had accepted Justin's confession. Sure, they looked really good together. Sure, everyone agreed they worked well together, and had nothing but happy things to say about the two of them. 

But he saw the looks Trent gave Gwen. The looks he still gave her. Intentionally or not, they were there. 




Trent didn't really love Justin, but he really loved Gwen. 

Justin didn't blame him, not really. Trent was the type to put his all into a relationship, and that's hard to recover from when it all comes crumbling down in an instant. Especially when it's all broadcast on a reality TV show.  Especially when your forced to see your ex every day in a  shitty hotel. 

Justin knew he was just a substitute for Gwen, a temporary solution that'll be discarded once Trent gets his emotions in check. Hell, he probably would've dated Beth if it helped him pretend he wasn't still in love with the goth. Maybe everyone else knew to, and they just didn't want to say. Justin almost laughed at the thought of the other teens pitying him. A sick cycle of pity, that's what it was. Though, it wasn't just pity...

Justin really did love Trent. 

Who wouldn't? He was smart, attractive, charming, and played music. And that's before you get to know him. Justin can feel himself fall more in love every day. Whether it's because Trent came to ask him about a new song, or simply just watching him from afar. Maybe that's why he let this go on for so long. Maybe that's why  he keeps on telling himself this is healthy.

Because pretend love is better than no love at all, right?

"Hey, Justin!"

Justin turned his head, to see Trent walking towards him. "Hey lover boy, how are you?"

"Haha, good! Cody and I were going to try and convince Noah to join us at the pool, you wanna join?" 

Justin thought about it for a moment as he looked to the drink in his hand. A memory of Gwen walking with Bridgette to the pool flashes into his mind. 

"Sorry, I can't, maybe next time?" Justin offers with a sweet smile that was all too fake. 

"Yea, for sure. See ya" Before Trent leaves, he leans in a plants a soft kiss on his check, before smiling and walking away. Justin's smile faded as he watched Trent leave.

This was probably the worst part. Trent didn't realize he didn't love Justin. Not yet at least. Whether it's because of simple obliviousness or he's deep in denial, Justin can't be sure. Or maybe Trent was just imagining Justin was Gwen, and the facade just hasn't faded yet. But he can tell in Trent's eyes that the boy thinks he loves him. 

Oh well, Justin's going to enjoy this while he can. It's not often you get to date your crush that has no interest in you. 

And hell, maybe if he starts acting like Gwen, maybe Trent will actually fall for him. 


One week after TDA finale

Trent <3


I'm sorry, but I think we should break up...

I just don't think I'm over Gwen yet, and I don't want to do that to you. You deserve better than that. 


Well, thanks for the time you gave me

Hope you find someone to make you happy

Oh uh


You too

Are we still going to be okay for the Drama Brothers?

Yea, don't worry about it



It's okay, really

If it's any consolation, I think you're better for Gwen than Duncan

Read 3:45 p.m.


// this is teetering dangerously onto trent slander uh oh

this is short af but it was fun to write 

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