little things - noco

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BASICALLY: total drama world tour but noah and cody are dating in secret. shenanigans ensue. 

----------------------total drama reunion special











Noah tore his eyes away from his book turned to his (slightly) shorter boyfriend. Said boyfriend look ecstatic to have his attention, and scooted closer to the boy. Noah rolled his eyes, and let Cody sit next to him, questionably close, but not by too much.  "What did you need again? I want to try and finish this book."

"Aw come on, you've been reading all day." Cody whispered. "Look, everyone else is already asleep." Cody gestured to the others, and Noah's eyes followed. To his surprise, the other teens were asleep. Jeez, how long had he been reading? Cody gave him a look that said 'I told you so', and Noah's eyes squinted. Noah wasn't one to directly admit when he was wrong... especially when it came to his overconfident boyfriend. 

"Wow Cody, what an astute observation, truly unmatched." Noah drawled. "Why aren't you asleep?" 

"Well... you know..." Cody replied, suddenly becoming much less self-assured, looking to the ground. Honestly, Noah hoped Cody knew his 'cool kid' act didn't fool anyone. Noah didn't mind though. 

"Oh yea Cody, actually I totally understand what you meant just now." Noah said, giving the boy a deadpan look. "What is it?"

"Well, we just haven't seen each other in a long time and I.-" Cody gulped. "-just wanted to... hang out and.... do stuff. Like... boyfriend stuff." 

Noah's eyebrows raised at this. Cody was usually hesitant to use the term "boyfriends". Not because he didn't like Noah - Cody had made sure to assure Noah of this - but he was still coming to terms with the fact that he's bisexual after years of internalized biphobia. Noah understood, and was patient for Cody. The bookworm decided to set down his book, and gave Cody his full attention. 

"So, do you wanna kiss or something?" Noah went straight to the point, not bothering to use sarcastic remarks. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss Cody, and was looking forward to seeing him again. 

Cody blanched, but he quickly recovered and put his confident act back on. He was still blushing though. Cody smirked at Noah, then quickly leaned in. however, Cody's precision was off, and he ended up bonking Noah on the nose. Noah yelped quietly, and Cody began spilling out apologies. 

"You suck at this."

"Shut up, I do not!' 

"Yea, sure."

"J-Just let me try again!" 

And so Noah did. Luckily, this time Cody was more careful, and the kiss was much more enjoyable. Noah would never admit it, but he missed kissing Cody. Cody had soft lips ("Gotta keep them well prepared for ladies, amiright?""Cody we're literally dating."), and always tasted sweet. Probably because he was addicted to sugar. Cody usually liked to lead their kissing sessions, and Noah was more than happy to lay back and follow along, while still making Cody yelp. 

It was kind of funny, considering what their first kiss technically was (according to Izzy).

A shuffle to their right cause the to boys' eyes to shoot open and their bodies to pull apart, quickly looking over to see who the culprit was. That culprit was Harold, who looked at them blankly. 

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