unfinished high school au lol

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// so!! this isn't s ship fic (I mean there's a pinch of shippy stuff) but I've had two chapters of a high school au I started in my drafts for months. I want to post it here as one long chapter because I don't plan on ever finishing it, but want to share what I started. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: there are most likely a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes but I don't feel like going through it right now




This sucks.

You sigh as you lean your head against the only slightly gross wall of the bus stop, waiting for the bus... obviously. Though, it unfortunately wasn't just a city bus. Your mom - for some reason - decided to ship you off to some random ass boarding school, and only told you two weeks ago. Unsurprisingly, you were super pissed and ignored her for most of that time, which is justified. Why do you even have to go? You don't have friends at the school you go to now, how are kids that go to a BOARDING SCHOOL going to want to be your friend any more?

You're interrupted from your thoughts as you hear a noise coming from your left. You wince as it becomes louder, and hurts your ears. What was that? The first word to come into your mind was hell.

Turns out you weren't so wrong.

You watch as a dirty and misshapen bus made its way down the street, mouth gaping as you try and figure out how the hell that piece of junk is moving. You pray to God, even though you're an atheist, that that bus isn't the one taking you. It couldn't be, right? Boarding schools were always rich and fancy-pancy.

The bus door creaked open, showing a tall buff black man glaring down at you from the driver's seat. For some reason, he was wearing a chef's hat.

"You Gwen?" He asked gruffly, and you nod in response. You're far too shocked to speak right now.

"Get on the bus then! We don't have all day!" The man yelled, and you hurry to grab your luggage and race onto the bus. The doors slammed beside you, and you stumble as the man pushes the gas before you can even get to the seats. Once you steady yourself, you get a good look at the bus, and its inhabitants.

The first person you noticed was some punk with a bright green mohawk mohawk, not even bothering to keep his music down as he glared outside the window. It seemed like no one had dared to try and sit next to him, and although you liked the music, you didn't feel like being in a fight the first day.

As you walked down the aisles looking for an open seat, you noticed that the students were vastly different. There was some pale ginger guy rambling off to some twink-y brown haired guy, whose eyes widened when he saw you. You didn't like that. A dumb blonde type girl and some jock were eye-fucking, which seemed to displease the asian girl next to her. A brunette in a girl scouts uniform was talking to some malnourished guy in a beanie, and you think it was about pigs? Two girls in matching clothes were conversing at speeds you didn't know possible. Some preppy girl with freckles was lecturing a blonde guy who wasn't wearing a shirt, while the blonde next to her subtlety eyed him down. Finally, you found an empty seat next to a dark-skinned girl who just... radiated confidence.

"Hey um..." You speak up. "Is it cool if I sit here? You seem relatively normal." Shit, you hadn't mean to say that last part. To your relief, the girl burst out laughing, and nodded.

"Of course girl, I don't want you having to sit next to him." She pointed to the punk guy, and you two laugh together. "I'm Leshawna, by the way. I'm sure we'll get along as long as you're not a total bitch."

"I'm Gwen." You reply. "And I'm pretty sure I'm not." You two smile as you sit down, and you actually begin to converse. Well, she started most of the conversation, but it was still conversation! Leshawna seemed fairly nice, maybe even potential friend material?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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