Chapter 8 - Asking for a Chance...

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" All this way too much for me (me)All this way too much for me (for me, me)Giving me anxietyAll this way too much for me (me)All this way too much for me (for me, me)"- Chloe x Halle ~ Down

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" All this way too much for me (me)
All this way too much for me (for me, me)
Giving me anxiety
All this way too much for me (me)
All this way too much for me (for me, me)"
- Chloe x Halle ~ Down


"And we can change the building into how you'd like," The man continued as Empress stared in a daze.

Smiling Marcus thanked the real estate agent before bidding him off.

There Empress stood in a daze as a certain man filled her mind. King.

As much as she hated it she couldn't help but think how good it would feel to be with a man like King.

"Empress," Marcus voice called out to her. Immediately she shook herself out of her thoughts answering the man.

"What's wrong you seem so out of it," Marcus questioned. She bit her bottom lip in thought before waving him off.

"It's nothing... This place doesn't seem bad," she stated trying to change the topic.

Marcus squinted his eyes before exhaling as he then took one more glance around the place.

"I guess so but there are plenty more places we've got to see,"

"Well let's get on then," she chirped.


"I thought I told you I wanted him taken care off by the time I got back," King yelled looking at a very much man whose head he wanted on platter alive.

"I told him that!" Dean shouted. Felix's eyes widened in disbelief before he playfully pushed Dean.

"He ain't told me shit!" Felix argued. King rolled his eyes at the two as the room grew quiet hearing his footsteps grew louder towards the man who sat tied up.

"He said he had something to say," Felix prompt making King's eyebrow raise.

"Really?" His haunting voice questioned. "Yep," The tan-skinned tattooed boy answered.

"Well?" King spoke staring the man down in silence.

"Speak" he seethed.

"They know, they know that Mr. Black's legacy is here and they're coming for her for your Empress but if you don't kill me I'll make sure they never come," he declared.

The three men stood there looking at the man with an expressionless face.


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