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no one pov

jungkook slumped into his motel room, his body falling limp on the bed. his body was soaking wet from the rain. but he didnt have enough energy to care at the moment. he just wanted to curl up in his blankets and forget his stupid life.

but, jungkooks stupid life seemed to hate him. because jungkook couldnt even lay down for a minute before his phone rang.

to be honest, he was surprised it was still working from being in the rain for so long.

jungkooks eyes opened, sighing hastily before bringing his phone to his ear.

"jungkook." the ravenette heard the deep voice of his boss. the slight growl in his tone irritating jungkook. "what?" jungkook asked. his voice both strained and harsh.

there was then a pause after jungkook spoke. the ravenette sighing softly. "sorry.. im just tired." the teen said with, yet another, soft sigh.

his boss only hummed. jungkook stayed silent until the man spoke up again. not wanting him to get more upset. as it was obvious from his lack of caring response that he was already mad.

"jungkook." the man repeated through the phone. "yes?" jungkook asked.

"i want that boy dead. now."

jungkooks eyes blinked slightly. his hand moving to push back his dripping yet hair. "what do you mean?" jungkook stupidly asked.

"i've given you more than enough time jungkook. and i have gotten not one answer from you yet." jungkooks boss said. "the last time you talked to you was literally like yesterday or something. you expect me to already have a plan?" jungkook asked, his voice raising subconsciously.

"yes jungkook. i do. because you are my best assassin. and i trusted you with such a simple task. and its taken you over 2 weeks."

jungkooks body stiffened as he listened to his bosses words. already sitting on the edge of his bed. his eyes trailed to his gun that was laying on the table, drying from being out in the rain.

"i want kim taehyung dead. if you dont have a plan yet, figure it out. and tell me." the mans voice rang through jungkooks ears.

"i-i understand." jungkook said, his eyes quickly turning away from his gun. his sight falling on the fridge a few meters away from him.

"good. now, when is the soonest you can finish this?" the man asked. jungkook fixed his posture. letting out a soft breath, his heart rate increasing for no reason.



"h-hi jungkook!"

taehyung said, joyful as ever as he entered the classroom. his wide smile showing off his perfectly white teeth. shining as the dirty blond boy looked at jungkook.

the young teenager smiling both happily and shyly at the older boy. a shade of pink covering his faint freckles. the boy still remembered what jungkook told him yesterday. and he couldnt help but feel a bubbly feeling in his tummy at the thought.

as taehyung smiled at jungkook. the older flinched slightly, keeping his eyes on the table. not moving as he ignored the younger, who still stood next to him smiling.

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