t w e n t y f o u r

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no one pov

jungkook kept his eyes on the pretty dirty blond boy. his fingers twirling the boys fluffy hair, unable to control himself.

taehyung, fully awake and aware of the affection, couldnt contain his blush as he rested snuggled up next to the older. 

part of him didnt enjoy how jungkook always made him blush for no reason. and then jungkook would playfully tease him after.

totally unfair.

turning around, taehyung caught jungkook in the act as he was fluffing the boys hair. taehyung scrunched his nose with a pout, glaring (cutely) at the ravenette.

jungkook smiled sheepishly at the boy. "what?" he asked. taehyung huffed. "stop playing with my hair." he said, though not meaning it one bit.

jungkook playfully frowned. "why not?" he asked. "...b-because!" taehyung said, not having a reason, because it wasnt true. but he felt like challenging the older at the moment.

"thats not a reason." jungkook said in response. taehyung huffed, not sure how to comeback. but then he got an idea. a sly smirk rising to his lips.

"i bet you cant keep your hands from touching me for 1 whole hour!"

he said, confidently. jungkook scoffed. "i bet i can." he said, turning away. taehyung hummed, suddenly scooting away from the older, leaving his side cold and empty.

jungkook looked at taehyung confused as he moved away and sat criss crossed looking at the ravenette. "what are you doing?" jungkook asked.

"testing you." taehyung simply responded. jungkook rolled his eyes. "really?" he asked unamused. taehyung nodded. "yep." he replied.

"i bet you wont be able to not touch me for one 1 hour. if you succeed, you win! and get a prize. but if you loose, you get a punishment."

jungkook raised an eye brow at the boys words. "whats the prize?" he asked suspiciously. taehyung giggled, and put a finger over his lips. "its a secret."

jungkook sighed. "whats the punishment?" he then asked. taehyungs giggles stopped. suddenly in deep thought as he tried to think of something.

until he finally gasped as an idea struck. jungkook watching amused as taehyung finally spoke again.

taehyung was proud of his punishment. it would be so icky and gross. and nasty and not nice. very very not nice.

"you have to kiss my foot!"

jungkook stared blankly at the very serious younger. "i have to kiss your foot?" jungkook repeated. taehyung nodded with a stern "mhm."

"why is that the punishment?" jungkook asked. taehyung covered his mouth as he giggled almost evilly. "because thats so gross!" he protested.

"then whats your punishment if you loose?" jungkook asked. taehyung smiled. "nothing!" he said giggling. jungkook again rolled his eyes at the giggly boy.

jungkook again stared at the painfully adorable boy. before shrugging, deciding to play along.

"alright fine. its a deal."

jungkook said, now almost getting competitive. taehyung nodded, staying in his seat as he saw the clock. it was 2:34 in the afternoon, so jungkook would win when the clock struck 3:34.

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