Bathroom Interactions

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Still Norman’s POV

Whether it’s to my dismay or to my luck I don’t know but the raven haired boy from earlier was standing right by the sinks. He just eyed me, rolled his eyes and looked away. “That seems a bit rude don’t ya think?” I asked with a small smirk.

“What?” he questioned as he washed his hands in the sink. “You rolled your eyes and you don’t even know me.” I faked whined.

“Whatever.” he mumbled and dried his hands. “You can’t just end a conversation by saying ‘whatever’.” I complained with a fake pout.

“I can and I did.” he said and started to walk towards the exit. “Can I at least get your name?” I called after him.

“No Norman, no you can’t.” he countered and left without another word. That was...the weirdest interaction I’ve had with someone.

He didn’t flirt with me or confess or anything, and he knew my name. I smiled at that and walked over to a stall.

Ray’s POV

“No Norman, no you can’t” I countered and left the bathroom, speed walking away. Emma will literally freak out if I tell her that happened. So it looks like I just keep it from her.

As I walked down the hallway I saw Don at his locker and jogged over to him. “Ten bucks that Emma and Gilda start dating and Emma is the one that initiates it.” I said getting right to the point.

“I’ll take you up on that bet. Ten bucks that they start dating and Gilda initiates it.” he replied with a big, toothy smile.

I just nodded and walked away from him towards my first period class which I found earlier while looking around. “Hey, cutie!” Someone yelled but I figured they weren’t talking to me so I just kept walking and paid no mind to it.

That was until I heard someone running and ending up right behind me. When I turned around I saw Norman with his hands on his knees, panting.

“You walk way too fast to be straight.” he mumbled and I barely made out what he said.

I looked down at him for a second, until he straightened up his back and I realized he was taller than me by a couple inches.

“Speed has nothing to do with sexual orientation.” I muttered and started to walk away again but he caught onto my wrist.

“You didn’t deny it though.” He smirked and kept a firm grip on my wrist. I yanked my wrist back and started to walk away from Norman but he just kept walking with me. Hope sparked in me when I saw Emma talking to Gilda.

I hadn’t planned on Emma hearing about this cause then she’ll start fangirling, but I just want out of the situation.  Once I made my way over to Emma she started looking back and forth between Norman and I.

Before she could say anything I gave her a look that said ‘I don’t care what you do but do something to get me out of this.’ “Hey babe, how are you?” she asked, clearly picking up on the look I gave her despite her being dense sometimes.

Pretending to be dating her isn’t exactly what I had in mind but I suppose it will work.

“Good, you?” I responded and walked over to her side and she wrapped her arm around me.

Norman didn’t look the happiest but not like it’s my problem. I said my goodbyes to Emma and Gilda then walked into math just as the bell rang. 

About half the kids were already in there and Norman just pushed past me to get to his seat. Since this is my first day I had no idea where to sit so I just awkwardly stood there and waited for the teacher to address me.

Soon enough all of the kids piled into the room and I was just standing there. “Ah, Ray.

Why don’t you take a seat next to Norman, the white haired boy back there and tell us something about yourself.” the teacher suggested, I think her name was Ms. Krone.

“Ok and I’ll pass on that last part.” I rejected and took a seat next to Norman. “So your name is Ray. I like it, it’s fitting… Although cutie is better” Norman beamed and I just did my best to ignore him.

Ms. Krone looked taken aback by me refusing to say something about myself but did mention anything about it.

Throughout the entire class Norman kept trying to talk to me and flirt but I just ignored it to the best of my abilities. 

Time Skip to Lunch because I’m lazy

Norman was clinging to my shoulder as I walked over to Emma, Gilda, and Don. Don looked like he was about to laugh but held it back when I looked at him like I was fully prepared to murder him.

Emma and Gilda didn’t have much of a reaction compared to Don since they saw him around me earlier.

“Ready to go to the roof to eat lunch?” Gilda asked and  all of them nodded other than Norman and I.

“I still have to grab my lunch from my locker.” I informed them and removed Norman from my shoulder. “Do you mind if I join you all?” Norman questioned with a friendly smile.

I glared at Emma hoping she would say no. “Of course!” she beamed. Oh I am so getting her back for that later.

I walked away from them to my locker as Norman trailed behind me. “So are you and Emma actually dating?” Norman asked as we grabbed our lunches from our lockers.

“Do friends call each other babe?” I responded sarcastically. Since I didn’t know how to get to the roof I walked a little bit behind Norman.

“Technically she called you babe, you didn’t call her babe. Besides, Emma looked a little cosy with Gilda if you ask me.” Norman said.

Annoyance started to grow in me but I kept my composure. “Why does my relationship status matter, you friend zoning albino.” I sneered as we made our may to the roof. Emma, Gilda, and Don were already up there and enjoying their lunches.

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