Chapter 11: Hena

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Dawn POV


Celeste and me, stood there shocked. Reine's eyes weren't golden anymore it was blue with a mixture of green

"I will gladly scare that lowly vampire for you mate"

Reine or should I saw Hena practically ran out of the room and shift as soon as possible

"Mama, you're her mate" Celeste mumbled and Mama was also shocked because of the news

"I had no idea" Mama mumbled and Reine came back but I think I'm seeing right now is Hena

"Mate, I successfully scare that vermin away. Would you please praise me?"

Reine crouched down and stared at my Mama with longing eyes, Mama stared at us and we just nodded our heads in reply

"Good job Hena"

Mama patted her head and she held my Mama's hand then put it on her cheeks

"We should give you privacy Mama" Celeste mumbled and dragged me out of the room

"I didn't know that Reine was Mama's mate" Celeste mumbled happily but her face dropped all of a sudden

"Don't you think Victoria and Mothers will come back?" Celeste mumbled sadly and I pulled her to a hug

"They will come back, don't worry but if Mothers hurt Mama once more. I don't know if I could control myself anymore, I'd kill anyone for my Mama"

I replied and clench my fist when I saw what Mother did to my birth Mother

"I understand" Celeste replied and walked back to her room

I can't bare the fact that they've hurt my Mama both physically and mentally




So uhm Hena was clingy towards me 

"Hena, could you please bring Reine back?"

She stared at me with those blue doe eyes and she offered me a smile

"Sure, I will bring back Reine"

I sighed in relief but all of a sudden she leaned in and pecked my lips

I pulled away shocked with wide eyes

"Goodbye mate" She grinned and Reine's eyes turned golden

Her face turned red in embarrassment and she immediately got off the bed and went on her knees

"I'm sorry I-I, Hena just switched without my permission. Forgive me-"

"Reine it's fine but more importantly, why didn't you tell me"

I cut her off and she stared at me while biting her lips

"I-I was scared Y/n, I was scared that you'd get disgusted or scared and I saw that you're happy with them"

She mumbled and her eyes turned glossy while looking at me

"I was scared that you'd reject me" She cried out

"Come here" I spread my arms open and she launched at me for a hug then cried

"I'm sorry for kissing you without consent, I'll scold Hena later" She mumbled and I patted her back

"No it's fine, the wolf is just acting due to her instinct" I replied with a smile


3rd Person POV


"Your Highness, unfortunately, the servant wasn't able to check you wife and your kids"

The butler reported slightly trembling

"And why is that?" Anastasia asked as she sat on her throne

"A-An alpha wolf murdered the servant Your Highness"

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