Hannah Cassidy Hughes

7 2 0


What happens when you are forbidden things from a young age?

A revolution is created. 

The human being will fight until he has it

How can a person be everything and nothing at the same time?

It is incredible to see how the biome changes the specimen

You are a Lady and women are delicate

How to be so fragile and so strong at the same time?

Every girl would be jealous of her

Any girl ever fantasized about being a princess

Only if they knew that she doesn't want to be what she is

It doesn't take men to be queen

At what cost to want to be a princess if your family sees you as a thing

They sees you as if it is up to you to forge a friendship to create bonds

They do not care about your happiness 

they do not care if you love that person or if he treats you badly

Once you turn 18 you d o n ' t belong to your family 

now you are part of a new homeland

But someone has to change this society

Time to prove that a woman can do the same as a man

That they are more than a treaty between kingdoms

They're intelligent, they're valuable they're the fucking source of life

It's no secret that diamonds are the most beautiful thing in the world

They are created under a lot of pressure

But in the end, just hitting it with another diamond is enough to create a crack.

And only takes  that crack to break it into a thousand pieces...


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The first chapter is cominggg

Bye xoxo

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