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"System Down," a programmed computerized female voice announced as the power in the laboratory shut down.

The sudden silence inside the room deafened Hyerin as she squinted in the darkness. "Dad?"

"Hyerin, I'm here. I'll go turn on back-up for a sec," he said. She heard footsteps as his father made his way to the generator. In an instant, the lights came back on and the both of them could finally see clearly.

"What happened?" Hyerin asked, walking towards the machines when Myungjae stopped her.

"It was too much for our power source so it broke down. But no worries, it has been completed," he said as he walked over to the computer.

"Stay back," he said, slamming his palm on the same red button.

The glass surface of the machines lifted itself up, thick mist emerging from inside. Hyerin stood back as she anticipated what was going to happen next.

"Boys?" Agent M called. "Can you get up?"

"Are they even conscious?" Hyerin asked, squinting to see anything but the smoke was in the way.

"They should be," he said, frowning. "Is anyone awake?" he called. Silence.

 "Is this normal?" she asked, worriedly looking over to her father.

In return, he helplessly shrugged. "I'm not quite sure, but I was certainly expecting a different reaction." He went over to his other desk full of files and important documents. He reached out for a thick folder and frantically skimmed through it.

"Usually it is a more explosive response, not this..." he trailed off.

Hyerin gulped. "C'mon, you guys. Get out of there," she whispered, staring hopefully at the mess of smoke before her.


As if answering her silent prayer, a shadow made its way towards her direction. She tried to make out something from the figure, only to see that it was Baekhyun, struggling on his feet and clutching his head between his hands.

"H-Hurts..." he mumbled before collapsing ahead.

Just when he was about to hit the ground, Hyerin caught him just in time. "Hey! Hey, are you okay?" She firmly held the back of his shirt to prevent his body from lurching forward and making both of them fall down.

He weakly rested his forehead on her shoulder. "It hurts. My head."

"Ergh. What's going on?" Chanyeol came out of the machine and sluggishly walked towards their direction.

"What happened? I'm having a headache." Sehun materialized from the fog as well, pinching the bridge of his nose and squinting at them as if he just woke up.

One by one, the boys showed up with different reactions—some felt weak and groggy, some were in pain, and the rest felt completely normal. Myungjae went over to them, helping Tao and Kris stand up. "Good, you're all conscious. How are you doing?"

"A little dizzy and weak," Kai mumbled, holding onto Luhan's shoulder for support.

"Perfectly fine." Lay shrugged, clutching Suho's arm to steady him.

"I feel like shit," Sehun muttered. "It's as if someone's stabbing my stoma–urmph!" His body lurched forward. Sehun covered his mouth with both hands.

"Oh god, he's going to barf." Kyungsoo's nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Oh no, no, no. Not here Sehun! If you could please escort him to the bathroom, Xiumin?" Myungjae asked to which the boy nodded. He draped the younger one's arm around his shoulder and headed out to find a bathroom.

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