Don't You Worry, Child

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"Hyerin, are you sure about this?" Chen asked, keeping up with the girl's quick strides while Luhan and Tao followed them from behind.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" she huffed, shoving her cold hands inside her coat pockets. "I'm going to do this and you're going to help me."

"Does your dad even know about this?" Luhan asked, opening the door for her. She murmured thanks and entered the building.

Hyerin sighed. "No. I talked to Agent Zero about it but he refused right away. He didn't even give me a chance to take care of this myself," she grumbled, sharply turning a corner leading to a lobby with rows of elevators. She pressed the up button and waited in front of the metal doors.

"Did you even consider why he said no in the first place? He probably knows how much of a blockhead you are,  knows you might screw things up," Tao said, a wide teasing grin plastered on his face.

Hyerin slapped him in the shoulder and crossed her arms, looking up at the descending numbers above the elevator. "Please. As if he doesn't know I could break that man's neck in a matter of seconds."

"It's not that, Hyerin," Luhan said as the elevator doors dinged open. "I think he's more concerned about how you would feel once you come face to face with that guy again."

Hyerin rolled her eyes before walking inside the lift, the boys following from behind. "The only thing I would feel would be despise and only despise."

"That's the point, Hyerin," Chen retorted, shaking his head.

"Knowing how you are, you would probably let your emotions get the better of you," Tao said, pressing a floor number before the doors closed shut.

Hyerin folded her arms. "Thanks a lot, guys," she scoffed, blowing a stray hair away from her face.

It was three days after their disastrous trip to Itaewon and Hyerin had been trying to get away from all the trouble that particular mission caused. Since that day, everything at M-LX and school began to change drastically. Kyungsoo getting drugged by the strange potion from Luculenus had caused quite a stir. Instead of his usual crabby attitude, the boy was way too animated and chipper for comfort, sticking to Hyerin like there was no tomorrow much to the girl's dismay. The other boys often had to use force to make him attend his classes and boxing practices, and even then, he would be extremely stubborn. Not only that but this new phenomenon had caused gossip to spread around school, which was a bad thing for Hyerin who was still under surveillance by a certain group of she-devils.

Gossip about Kyungsoo and Hyerin only continued to grow as each day passed. She wanted nothing more than to escape it, so she figured that doing something of much more importance would keep her mind off the issue.

Her talk with Agent Zero about her attacker never left her mind since that day, making her even more desperate to find answers. Today, she was going to get those answers with the help of the three most sensible (and least busy people) of the gang. She planned to sneak inside one of the many prison cells in M-LX where the man was kept, as it was the only way she would ever get inside. She knew better than to use her ID to get in; she knew the two head agents would ban her from the premises if they caught her.

The elevator dinged open, revealing a spacious lobby with several hallways leading to different work borders. There were a lot of people walking around, most likely heading to their designated departments as they either held a stack of folders, cups of coffee or both.

The four young agents nodded at each other before parting ways wordlessly. Chen and Hyerin made their way towards the first hallway to the right while the other two entered the left.

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