Class without Lupin?!

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Since Lupin was our teacher for DADA I've loved that class even more, he makes it fun. today I was sitting with mione in the back cause the boys woke up late this morning, well she'll be here soon I just have to save her spot. I felt someone kick my chair let's just say the last person that kicked my chair isn't looking toooo well.

I turned around with a death glare and to my surprise it was just Draco... since that night I- forget it let's just focus on class today "I was about to beat the shit out of you Draco, you know I hate people kicking my chair." I turned back around "Yeah I know, that's why I did it."

That cheeky bastard, I heard the door slam open and instantly knew that wasn't Lupin soon the windows were slammed shut "It's Snape, isn't it?" I whispered to Mione that just appeared "Yep~" she popped the 'p' I sighed "Bring it on." Mione had to cover her mouth and act like she was just coughing.

When Snape got to the front of the class he pulled down the projector board and said "Turn to page 394." whilst everyone started flicking to 394 Snape started to slowly walk to the back. hell nah am I flipping each page, I grabbed out my wand and casted a spell to auto flip straight to page 394.

that's when i heard harry "Excuse me sir, where's Mr.Lupin?" "it's not really your concern is it, potter. though to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time." he then got to the projector and i looked back at my book.

"werewolves!?" I said a bit too loud. "But sir we've just started learning about red caps and hinkipunks we're not supposed to start nocturnal beast for weeks." I saw ron's eyes were wide open he's gonna say it again "Quite" Snape stated "When did she come in? did you see her come in?"

"Now! which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" Mione and I put our hands up and like usual he doesn't pick Hermione so he picks the only other person with their hand up..... me.

"An animagus is a witch or a wizard that can transform at will into an animal. A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, was a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, became an uncontrollable, fearsome and deadly wolf. This condition was caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. furthermore they only respond to the call of their own."

I noticed a few people taking notes of what i just said. Draco on the other hand decided to howl "Thank you mr. malfoy." was all snape said he then started to talk about writing a two parchments about werewolves and recognising a werewolf and being handed in on monday.

I noticed draco blow a paper crane to harry before but harry's taking his sweet time to open it "but sir it's quidditch tomorrow." oh god harry you never learn. "then i suggest you take extra care, mr potter, loss of limb will not excuse you. page 394"

i squint my eyes to heighten my eyesight and see what's on the paper, it was of harry getting struck by lightning whilst playing quidditch. harry looked over at draco, all he did was raise his eyebrows up. "Damn Malfoy, you can't draw for shit, bet you can't even draw shit." i said loud enough for draco to hear.

ron let out a pfft as harry and mione had their hands to their mouth trying not to laugh, i looked at draco and smirked he didn't look to happy. I giggled as i turned back and looked at mione.

Class with Snape was finally over and Mione and I said we'd catch up with the boys "I still can't believe what you said about Dracos drawing, he looked so mad" Mione said as we walked out the class. Then out of no where I feel a firm grasp on waist "I'm borrowing her Granger, I'll bring her back to you later." Mione couldn't even say anything as i got dragged away.

We turned a corner and i was slammed up against a wall "Jeez what was that for Draco-" I was cut off by Draco covering my mouth "You know exactly why (Y/n) Potter." I licked his hand knowing very well he'll retract his hand as fast as his broom "My, my. using my full name I must have made you very upset, poor baby"

he looked at me with a soft glare, he can never stay mad at me. "You made a lot of people laugh at me, no one laughs at me, Draco Malfoy." I rolled my eyes "Yeah, yeah whatever Draco-" i was interrupted by a firm grip on my waist and I let out a gasp "not fair Draco"

"You're the one that made people laugh at me, so it's fair to make you embarrassed too." i let out a laugh "You embarrass me, oh Draco you're hilarious. You think you can make me embarrassed?!" I let out another laugh but stopped as i saw Draco smirking.

‼️steamy up ahead‼️

"Oh I know I can make you embarrassed, flustered as well." he says as he gets closer to me I let out a little gaspy laugh he was so close i could feel he warm minty breathe against my skin, I could feel his hand travelling to my back pulling me closer as he retracts his other hand from the wall to my hip.

my body was now up against his I could feel my cheeks getting hot. Draco then leans down to my ear and whispers "See I can do it" I laughed and rolled my eyes "Yeah sure Draco whatever you say." He moves away from my ear and looked into my eyes giving me this, this.... look.

I blinked a couple times and rolled my eyes whilst giggling a little, suddenly Dracos face is right in front of mine I gasp and try to move my head away but his hand from my hip quickly moves up to my face and forces me to look at him. I could feel his lips brushing mine and had an urge to kiss them, I closed my eyes tight trying to get that thought out of my mind.

Draco's P.O.V

Her reaction was very cute I just wanted to keep teasing her, I wanted to do so much to her I wanted to claim her. why am I acting like this?! She shut her eyes tightly waiting for whatever will happen next, I want to kiss her... so badly.

I put my hand around her neck pulling her close smashing out lips together, there was some sort of electric spasm running through my body as our lips danced together. I put both my hands back on her hips as she wrapped her soft arms around my neck.

We both pulled away for air looking at each other's eyes I wonder what she's thinking about. It didn't last long till our lips greeted each other again, I could hear students coming so I quickly moved my hands to her thighs lifting her up, not breaking the kiss once, and quickly walked into the room next to us.

I sat her on the table and listened as the students walked past the abandoned/unused classroom. We pulled away to catch our breath again (Y/n) was panting but i wanted to feel her lips, her skin. I chose to be nice and let her catch her breath so instead I went and attacked her neck in kisses.

I couldn't control myself I needed to feel her, as I was kissing her neck she brings her hand up to my hair gripping on it as she gasp and jolts from the new sensation.

What's wrong with me (Y/n) is my best friend but seeing her like this.... I want to be the only one to see this side of her. I was pulled out of my thoughts by her voice "Draco I can't be late for Quidditch." we both snapped back to reality and looked into each other's eyes letting out an awkward laugh.

"Beat those stupid hufflepuffs you hear me." I slightly punch her arm and help her down "Oh Draco I always win." she smirked at me as a gasp "Hey! Slytherin will win next time!" she laughs and links arms with me "Come on idiot let's go." she said as we walked out the classroom.

I am so sorry for the long wait. yes there's going to be some smut in this story, there will be a warning and will have ‼️ if you see ‼️🔞 that means it gets really steamy aka 18+ shit. if it's a ‼️ by itself it's just kissing and hands roaming nothing too bad. if you don't like it you don't have to read my story, and no i will not change it for anyone.

there also needs to be a build up in their relationship or else it'll be very weird if they just go kaboom i like you let's fuck/date.

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