Draco? jealous?

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hey guys! i'm so sorry it's taken ages for me to continue on with this story, i've been incredibly busy this year with work and my girlfriend but i will definitely try to write when i can i've just been struggling on what to write about next, but thanks to all you amazing people who have been so sweet and encouraging to me it has helped me get back into to writing. i love you all so much and thank you for your patience :)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

After saying yes to Jay I pulled him in for another kiss, I don't think I'll ever get used to the feelings of butterflies flying all around my stomach. I pulled away and stared into his eyes but sadly this moment got cut short by my sweet brother Harry. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important but may I steal my sister from you?" I am so glad he didn't come any time sooner.

"Ah no it's okay, of course you may steal her it seems important I can tell as it's written all over your face. I'll see you soon my lady" Jay winks at me as he walks past slighting brushing my hand with his and I couldn't help but blush slightly.

"What is it that you needed me for Harry?" I ask as I grab his hand and pull him over to the bench. "I've received some information about Sirius black." My eyes widened "Oh and what might that be?" Harry seemed upset and even mad, whatever he found out must be pretty serious "Sirius black is here, not exactly here in Hogwarts but he was at Hogsmeade so he could be anywhere now. Whilst we were at Hogsmeade I saw the minister and professor Mcgonagall talking to madam Rosmerta. I decided to sneak in right behind them, obviously using my invisibility cloak as minors weren't allowed in, and what I over heard may shock you."

Harry then went on to explain how he over heard that Sirius black was only here cause Harry and I are at Hogwarts now, how he betrayed our parents, his best friends! and killed their friend Peter as well as Sirius black being harry's godfather. "(Y/n)?" I sat there just staring at the floor "He.. betrayed our parents?" Harry said nothing just a simple hand on the back. "How could he?!" I screamed out as I jumped up. Harry followed and put his hand on my shoulder "I'm so sorry (Y/n)"

I turned around and smiled at Harry giving him a hug "We have nothing to be saying sorry about, all this stuff occurred before our time we have no ties to anything that has happened. But since we're Lily and James' kids we will sort this out and it'll all be over soon." I pulled away from the hug to look at Harry "for now let's just continue on with the day, if you don't mind I would like to just go for a walk to clear my head.. Ron's probably looking for you so you better find him quickly." I smiled and he smiled back knowing that I really wanted to be alone but didn't want to rudely push him away.

"Have a peaceful walk and try to stay out of boy trouble." he said as he started to walk away whilst I was blushing bright red "Boy trouble?! wait- what?" Harry just continued to walked away "what did he mean by boy trouble?" I mumbled to myself as I started walking away "Is my little princess having boy troubles?" I jumped at the sound of a voice coming from behind "For fuck sakes Draco! where did you come from?! Actually never mind that why didn't you announce your presence instead of popping out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of me."

Draco stared at me with a blank expression "That would've been too boring" He stated as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and continued on with the walk "So what's this boy trouble I heard you mumbling about?" He looks at me from the side "I believe Harry thinks I'm having 'boy troubles' cause he saw me talking with Jay and seemed anxious."

I felt Draco's grip tighten around my shoulders "Why were you talking with this Jay bloke to begin with?" Draco asks emotionless "Well I mean you are my best friend so I guess I can tell you." I stopped walking and grabbed Draco's arm so he'd stop as well and well obviously he did as he turned to face me straight away "So what is it?" Draco asks as he inches closer to me "Jay asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!" I squealed as I looked up to Draco and noticed his face dropped a bit only to quickly change to a ticked off expression.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 3~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now