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sorry guys it's only a short chapter

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Today is our Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, but something feels very off and it's not only because of how shit the weather is.. I cant pin point it but it's making me worried.

I was brought back to my senses by Harry flying past on his broomstick chasing the golden snitch I have to pay attention now i'll worry later, I fly past and score a couple goals this is all too easy against Hufflepuff that's until i get distracted by harry flying beyond the clouds for the snitch and once again that bad feeling has arisen.

I keep playing whilst my eyes are still looking up at the clouds watching for harry to come back with the golden snitch, I saw someone breaching the clouds at a rapid speed thankfully it wasn't harry..... I jinxed it soon after that Hufflepuff came falling out of the sky, there was harry falling at the same rapid speed straight to towards the ground.

I dashed straight towards harry on my broom stick but I was afraid I wouldn't make it in time but thankfully Dumbledore saved him with a spell, I flew right up to harry and pulled him onto my broom stick flying down to the ground that's when a few of the boys grabbed him and took him to the hospital wing.

I was gonna go straight with him but that's until I noticed his broomstick was nowhere to be seen "Ron, Hermione! i'm gonna go look for harry's broom stick you guys go with harry" i yelled across the group of people "we will come, I saw his broom fly that way!" Hermione shouted as her and Ron ran towards me, we ran out of the field and looked for Harry's broom.

"oh no guys look the whomping Willow.. and harry's- well used to be broomstick" we grabbed the the pieces and found a big piece of fabric to wrap it in, we slowly headed up to the hospital wing.

the boys were bickering over a stupid topic so i just zoned them out and focused on harry i could see he was starting to gain conscious "probably have a right side better than he does" I was so confused as to what harry was on about but I didn't dawdle on it.

Harry then try's to sit up "take it easy Harry, how are you feeling?" I asked Harry assisting him to sit up "oh brilliant" that's the Harry I know, everyone was stating how he scared us terribly Harry then asked what happened then Ron told him that he fell off his broom but harry then corrected himself stating he wanted to know who won the match "no one blames you harry the dementors aren't supposed to be inside the grounds, Dumbledore was furious, as soon as he saved you he sent them straight off"

Ron then stood up and told harry that there was one more thing it was about his broomstick of course he told harry that after he fell his broomstick blew into the whomping willow and was broken into pieces beyond repair. I felt so bad for harry.

Harry was practically discharged instantly as he didn't have any fatal wounds and we all went back to our dorms. " Harry you must go rest in bed, you're still not at your full potential" I say as we walked through the doors "she's been telling you to rest the whole way here please just listen to her so she can shut up - no offence (Y/n)" said Hermione "none taken at all" I replied. harry rolled his eyes and said fine then turned around and went to bed.

"well let's go get some rest Mione. we have a big day tomorrow" she agreed and we both walked up to our dorms and got ready for bed but we talked for a little while before falling asleep.


hey guys so sorry for this long break i've had from writing but it was very needed. i'm not completely back into writing but i'll try my hardest, there will probably be times where i take a while to publish but i promise you all i'm not discontinuing this story. i've had a lot of people hating this story or upset cause it's not up to their standards so if you don't like it please just don't read it don't even comment in my stories cause it's not needed this is my positive get away from life and i would love for it to stay that way ♥️

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