Chapter 2

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So one morning Jason snapped.

They were in the kitchen. Percy had just been laughing with Leo over something funny that he'd said, with his arm around Annabeth, the rest of the seven were there chuckling along with them. Jason went in and grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it before going to stand by Piper.

Percy looked at him and smiled. "Glad you're here, now we can start talking about where we want to go next."

Piper nodded. "The rest of us were thinking we should just head straight to Epirus, so that we can just close the doors but we wanted to wait in case you had somewhere you wanted to go."

Everyone was looking at him, but Jason was just looking at Percy. "Why would my opinion matter? It seems like your captain has everything planned out."

Percy and Leo frowned. "Hey man, I'm not the one doing the planning here." Leo said.

"Did I miss something?" Percy said. He glanced at Annabeth but she just shrugged and looked at Jason questioningly like everyone else.

"I didn't mean you Leo, you're not the Captain. I mean Percy. He seems to have everything figured out." Jason heard the dry tone of his voice, but he did nothing to change it.

Jason didn't notice the brief look of hurt that crossed Leo's face, he was too busy staring down Percy.

"Look man, did I do something wrong? Cause if I did I'm sorry-" Percy pulled his arm from Annabeth's shoulders and help his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

"Of course you're sorry. You're always sorry." Jason shook his head. "You know when I heard about you I thought you'd be different. Everyone said you were so amazing, and that you were so nice but really an attention seeking Son of Poseidon."

Percy's hands dropped and his face hardened. "Look Jason, I don't know what's wrong with you but I think-"

"Oh good, now we get to hear what Percy Jackson thinks. Have you ever thought that maybe people don't want to hear what you think? Maybe you're not as important as everyone says? Has it ever crossed your mind that Percy Jackson, for once you're not the hero?" Jason set his piece of toast on the counter and stepped towards Percy.

At Jason's words Percy's hard expression faltered, and a look of recognition crossed his features but as soon as it left it was back. "Jason, I'm no one's hero. It's not like I wake up every morning and think 'ok Percy what great, brave thing can you do today'? It's not like I wanted to be on the receiving end of 2 Great Prophecies. I didn't want any of this to happen."

"But it did, and it's still happening. You just can't stand not to lead can you? You always have to be the one telling people what to do and where to be. Well guess what? I'm not following you! I'm the son of Jupiter, you're the son of Poseidon! Know your place."

Hazel took a step forward. "Jason what-"

Jason looked at her, "Quiet Hazel!"

All of the demigods looked at him stunned. His voice had sounded so vicious that Hazel had automatically taken a step back. Frank came and put an arm around her and whispered in her ear. She nodded but wouldn't take her eyes off Jason.

A look of distaste crept on Percy's face and he stepped forward, closing the gap between them. He shook of Annabeth's restraining hand and didn't look at the rest of the demigods who were looking back and forth between the sons of the Big 3. He just stared at Jason, and for a second Jason was scared, but he dismissed it.

"Know my place?" Percy hissed, "Who are you? You know, you're nothing like I thought you would be either. People missed you, Hazel told me good things about you, but you're not worth missing. You're an attention seeker; you can't handle this? Fine, it's not like I haven't shouldered someone else's burden before. You can't work together with others? Then how do you expect the Camps will be able to? You have to be a leader Jason, and so far I don't think you're doing that good of a job."

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