Chapter 4

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He found her in the girls cabin consoling a silent Annabeth. They were both on one of the bunks (he assumed Annabeth's because there were pictures of Tyson, the faun Grover, Percy, Thalia, Rachel and Nico) and Piper was talking quietly to Annabeth with her arm around the blonde girl's shoulder.

When he entered Annabeth looked up hopefully but when they saw it was Jason she tensed. She got off of the bunk and walked over to Jason. Her eyes were hard and cold and when Annabeth stopped she folded her arms across her chest.

"Look guys, I'm sor-" but he was cut off by Annabeth slapping him, again.

"You had no right to go and say those things. None at all. Percy is not an attention seeker, he does not boss everyone around and he is not just a son of Poseidon. He is amazing, you haven't seen half of the things that he's done! You don't know what he's been through, or what both of us have been through! Oh and if you ever mention Luke Castellan's name again in that way-" Her voice was quickly rising to a yell and she was panting. Her eyes showed fury, and anger. But Jason cut her off.

"I know." he said.

Annabeth paused and looked at him, and then she opened her mouth as if to contradict him so he hurried on.

"Annabeth I know. I don't know why I was saying those things, it was stupid of me. They were wrong... I was wrong. I guess I was just jealous. You can all take care of yourselves and Percy is nothing like I was saying he was. I'm sorry.I'm sorry for saying Luke was a traitor and basically saying you love him. I'm sorry for going there at all. Will you forgive me?"

She stood there, her hands fallen to her sides. Piper was just watching both of them, looking like she was ready to intervene at any moment.

Annabeth sighed, letting all of the pent up air flow out of her and she relaxed. Her eyes went to the floor.

"Fine, yes. Yes, I'll forgive you, but don't ever do that again Jason. I won't stop Percy next time." she finally met his eyes. "And I don't think it's me you should be apologizing to."

She glanced back at Piper and saw the girl silently urging her to leave her and Jason alone; so Annabeth started walking to the door. "I guess I'll go and see if Percy will let me in his cabin yet." Jason winced.

When she reached the door he spoke up. "Annabeth?"

She turned and leaned against the door frame. "Ya?"

"I've been through hard things to. So has Piper and Leo. We all have. It's not just you and Percy."

Annabeth's eyes softened. "Ya, I know Jason."

He nodded and then turned to Piper, not noticing Annabeth when she closed the door and whispered, "I know."


Piper looked scarier then Medusa, which Jason had heard from Percy and Annabeth, was pretty scary.

She was still on the bed, her arms were crossed, she was frowning at him and even though her eyes were warmer then they had been a second ago she still looked at him like he had just killed her pet puppy.

He sighed. "Look Piper-"

"Jason you don't have to say anything." she stood up and made her way over to him, talking while she walked. "I know you've been apologizing to everyone, and I have no idea what made you act like that this morning but as long as you're over it then we can forget." She looked at him and smiled. He felt butterflies in his stomach. "It's OK."

He smiled, and took one of her hands. "Piper just let me say this OK?"

She nodded looking a little confused but still smiling.

"I was a jerk this morning. Not just to Percy, but to all of you. Especially you. You tried to stop me from making a bigger fool of myself then I already was and I ignored you. I'm sorry. I was jealous. I was jealous because you and Leo were spending more time with Percy then me. I was jealous that you liked at Percy like he could protect you instead of me. I was jealous, and I had no reason to be. You're my girlfriend, not Percy's. You chose me, not Percy. I'm Leo's best friend, not Percy. I was seeing things that weren't happening and for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry Piper, can you forgive me?"

Piper stood there staring at him before stepping forward and throwing her arms around his neck. She kissed him before putting her mouth beside his ear and whispering, "Of course you big dummy. You're my boyfriend and I care about you too much to let you go. Besides... I think it's kinda cute that you got jealous, just I don't like the way you handled it. Jason you're not being replaced. Don't worry. And if Leo and I look to Percy instead of you, well don't get mad. He has gone through something similar to this before, and it was his life for 4 years. It's not because we like him better or anything like that."

He nodded and stepped away from her. "I know Pipe's, I'm sorry." he smiled at her softly. "Now I have to go and see if Percy will forgive me. To tell you the truth I'm scared that he'll chop me to bits with Riptide."

Piper smiled a little. "Don't worry Jason Percy's a pretty nice guy, and if you don't insult anyone he's close to I think you'll be good. Good luck Sparky."

Jason shook his head, "You know I hate that nickname."

Piper smiled, "I know, but it fits, so you're stuck with it."

Jason smiled. "Thanks Piper."

She stood there smiling at him, and Jason thought again how he could ever have been lucky enough to get a girl like her. "Now shoo! Go talk to him, and the moment I hear yelling I'm coming in there with my knife understand?"

"Yes ma'am." he said, before opening the closed door and stepping into the hallway.

He saw Annabeth standing at the door to the boys room, with her hands on her hips. Jason shook his head. What the Hades had he done?

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