Chapter 3

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Jason started with Leo.

When he found him in the steering room he almost laughed.

Leo was surrounded by scrolls, his hair was pushed back by some skiing goggles on his head, he was wearing large working mitts and was frowning at a sphere like it had just insulted his outfit (which wouldn't be hard to do). Jason was just about to say something when Leo spoke up.

"If you're here to yell at me or accuse me of anything go find Piper, cause I'm not in the mood to put up with your crap." Leo looked at him and Jason saw the faint trace of hurt in his eyes.

Jason sighed, this would be harder then he thought. "Look Leo, I'm sorry. I was a jerk, and I didn't mean it when I said you weren't the Captain. You're the creator of the Argo II and no one else would be able to work this ship as well as you can. You're the only captain this thing needs; and I'm sorry for basically saying you all follow Percy. I was wrong and the truth was I was just jealous. Can you forgive me?"

Leo slowly set the sphere down on the table he was beside and turned to him. He was silent for a couple of seconds before he smiled. "Ya of course. You're my best friend. Besides," he put his hand up to his mouth like he was sharing a secret, " I've kind been saying I'm your best friend to impress the ladies, and it would be a pain to have to start lying about that."

Jason smiled. "Thanks Leo, now if you'll excuse me I need to go make 5 other apologies."

Leo grimaced, "I don't envy you there dude."

Jason had just reached the stairs to go to the bunks level when Leo spoke again. "Oh and Jason?"

He turned his head, "Ya?"

"When you're talking to Percy, just don't lay it on too thick. Percy forgives people really easily."

Jason nodded. "OK thanks man." So he turned and walked away.


Jason found Hazel and Frank in the stables on the ship. They were both sitting down talking and laughing, but when he stepped in they immediately quieted down. Both of they're eyes were cold.

"Look guys-" he started but Hazel cut him off.

"Jason, what do you want?"

"Well I just came down here to apologize I was a jerk up there, and had no right to say the things I did. You guys don't follow Percy and it was stupid of me to say that."

Hazel's eyes warmed considerably and so did Frank's but when she stood up she crossed her arms. "No," she said. "You didn't."

Jason swallowed. "Right, and I was just being stupid and I'm sorry. I was just being jealous and stupid and none of what I said was true up there."

Frank stood up too. "Well I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. I said some pretty mean things and for that I'm sorry. And I don't know who this Luke guy is but if I were you I wouldn't mention him again... like, ever."

Jason smiled. "Thanks Frank, and I know. That was pretty stupid of me." He turned to Hazel. "So do you forgive me?"

Hazel wouldn't meet his eyes for a couple of seconds but when she did they were as warm as ever. "Yes." she walked up and gave him a hug. "Just don't do it again, k?"

Jason nodded. "I won't, promise."

Hazel took a step back and Frank reached for her hand. Jason cleared his throat.

"Right well, I have a few more people to see, and guys? Thanks."

They both smiled at him. "Anytime Jason, what are friends for right?" Frank's voice was soft and Hazel's hair was bouncing as she nodded beside him.

Jason smiled and then left to go find a certain daughter of Aphrodite.

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