Wattpad Original

Panic: Bonus Chapter

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Author's Note

In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here: wattpad.com/AmazonPrimeVideo

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here: http://primevideo.com/


I snorted while Sammy leaned over and shoved yet another gummy worm into my mouth as I took the exit for Carp, Texas.

Through my mouthful of candy, I spoke. "Sweetheart, we're almost there. We'll be able to grab a bite once we get into town. Why are we eating all this candy?"

From the corner of my eye, I watched my witch beam. Not even the red glow of the stoplight we were stopped at could turn that sweet face sinister.

"Oh, I know that, Timmy, but snacks on road trips are the best snack."

I chuckled again as the light changed and I drove on. In the distance, I saw the neon glow from a few human establishments, including the hotel where we were going to be staying for a couple days while I helped Sammy on her latest mission that she'd concocted with her friends Daryl and Meriwa.

I'd been apprehensive a few months ago when Sam had started going on missions to save humans with the former Hunter Meriwa and the human cowboy Daryl. I still didn't completely know what they did, but I'd trained Meriwa myself. I trusted her, even if she was a hot head sometimes, and Daryl was a good man. They'd watch out for Samantha, and even though I worried, I couldn't keep Sam from doing what made her happy.

And helping people made my witch happy.

"Alright, Sam, I remember most of it, but tell me again what we're doing here."

"Well," Sammy took a sip of her vitamin water and returned it gently to her cupholder before continuing, "Mer and Daryl and I heard about this game that the kids here play called Panic. The graduating seniors do all these super dangerous challenges to win a whole bunch of money. We thought supernaturals were behind it, but it's just... kids. Human kids are doing this, and it's awful. Kids have died doing this, Timmy. And Meri and Daryl are saving all those shifter kids from that trafficking ring this weekend. So, it's up to you and me to make sure the kids don't get hurt because the game starts tomorrow night."

I nodded, smiling at her passion as she spoke. Of course, I had already looked into all of this information. Police records, court records, hell even anecdotal evidence from witnesses. I'd collected it all as soon as Sammy had confided in me she needed my help on this mission of hers. She often kept her adventures with her friends a secret, and I didn't mind that, although naturally I wanted her to be safe.

I understood the sentiments of Sam and her friends. All of them being mates to overprotective vampires was hard on them, so they needed their independence. They needed to go out and help people in their own way without the oppressive smothering from either me, Carbry, or Ryker. I was just thankful Sam had confided in me then asked me for my help in this, even if I was having to keep this adventure a secret from the boss.

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