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Chapter 5: Witchcraft

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The bell on the door to the shop chimed as I held the door open for Sammy to walk ahead of me. We entered the tiny store just east of the tourist district, and Sammy gawked at the odd collection of artifacts around us. Unusual idols, tinctures, and bizarre knickknacks crammed the place. Before I could even say anything, Samantha was wandering away, attention absorbed by looking at all the oddities. Stéphanie noticed me standing by the entrance, then promptly came over to welcome me to her shop with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello, vampire." She said, Caribbean accent lending a musical lilt to her voice.

"Hi, Stéphanie."

It had been a long time since I'd seen the woman, and even though she wasn't an inhuman like me, she had a mystical air about her that was only emphasized by her traditional Haitian clothing and the brightly colored head wrap comprised of intricate and bold meandering patterns.

"What have you brought me?" She asked, watching as Sammy knocked over a container of incense while reaching to grab some sort of small idol. Even from my position across the room, I heard Sam's exclamation of 'Oh, shoot!' as she quickly set about picking all the incense up.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. I was hoping you could tell me."

Stéphanie tsked. "You supernaturals... only caring about us when you need something. Bring your human pet over here and let me see her."

I snorted in half amusement, smiling at the woman's teasing tones but not liking her insinuation. "She's not my pet." Still smiling faintly, I turned to the young woman and called out, "Sammy."

The human looked up from the mess she'd created and gave us a brilliant smile that glowed in the flickering incandescent bulbs of the shop. It was an innocent smile, a sweet smile from someone who didn't quite know what was going on but was loving every minute of it. That smile never fell as Sammy hastened to join us, her heels clacking along the ancient and scarred wooden floor of the shop.

Once she reached our side, I spoke. "Samantha, let me introduce you to my good friend Mambo Stéphanie."

Sam held out her hand for Stéphanie to shake. The priestess obliged but pulled her hand away almost as soon as her skin touched Sammy's. Of course the human didn't notice the priestess' hesitation, but I did. This was going to be great. Just great...

"I'm Stéphanie."

"I'm Sammy. Nice to meet you, Stéphanie." She said with her seemingly permanent smile.

Grunting, Stéphanie looked at me and asked, "How do you stand it? The emotions from her, I mean?"

I couldn't fucking stand it. That's why I was here. I didn't say that of course. Instead, I offered my old friend a shrug. Sammy was still oblivious. Sighing and shaking her head, the priestess walked over to the front door, locked it, and flipped the "open" sign over to "closed."

Addressing me, she said. "We have our work cut out for us tonight, mon cher."

"Walk with me, Sammy," Stéphanie commanded

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"Walk with me, Sammy," Stéphanie commanded. Sammy obliged, walking around the space next to the woman. I followed closely behind observing the unusual sight, Stéphanie in her traditional Quadrille dress walking alongside Sammy in her ridiculous pink 1950s get-up.

"What is it that you do, Stéphanie?" Sammy asked her politely as we strolled through the space.

"Well, child, I'm a mambo, a priestess of Haitian Vodou. I also dabble in other forms of magic."

"Really?" Sammy asked, fascinated, "I've never met someone like that."

Stéphanie smiled. She loved flattery. "Well, not to brag, but some say I'm the best."

"Oh, I bet you're very talented judging by your shop. You have so many pleasant things." Sammy stopped, attention captured by a statue ladened with offerings. "This is beautiful. What is it?"

"That's a statue of Papa Legba. He's a very important Loa, or spirit."

"He likes to speak." Sammy blurted out before she zoned out, staring at the statue then returned to reality a moment later, "Wow, he can speak every language."

I had never seen Stéphanie look dumbfounded, but fucking Sammy apparently surprised everyone, not just me. "That's right, child. How did you know that?"

Sammy shrugged. "The feeling."

Of course, the fucking "deep feeling" told her.

Sammy looked away from Stéphanie and reached into her pockets then pulled out some hard candies, which she placed on the altar. Where the hell had she gotten those? "He really wants cigars, but I don't have any. Oh, I know!" She turned to me, "Can I have a penny, Tim?" Confused, I obliged by digging around in my pocket for my change, which I handed to her.

"There!" She smiled, placing the change on the altar, "That's better! He likes money, too."

Stéphanie looked as flabbergasted as I felt as she walked up to Sammy and gently yet reluctantly took both her hands while looking into her eyes. I stood there confused as they stared at each other for a full goddamn minute. When done, Stéphanie released Sammy's hands and asked, "How long have you seen spirits for, child."

Sammy shrugged, embarrassed. "My whole life, I guess." She then turned to me apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I could see ghosts, Tim. I didn't want you to think I was weird."

It was all I could do to keep from laughing at her words. That ship had fucking sailed, sweetheart.

"Oh! There's Papa Candelo!" she exclaimed, running to another altar and pulling a wrapped cinnamon candy from her pocket and placing it at the feet of the statue.

"I see you've found something quite interesting." Stéphanie spoke to me quietly.

If by interesting she meant fucking nuts, then yes.

"So...do you know what she is?"

"I have some theories..." Stéphanie replied enigmatically. Sammy rejoined us after placing the offering, and Stéphanie spoke to us both. "First, Sammy, you're an Empath."

"I am?" she exclaimed. I could literally taste her surprise. God, any more of her emotions, and I was going to collapse from dizziness.

"Yes." Stéphanie replied, "And your emotions are just oozing out of you. You can learn to control it, though." The sense of relief I felt roll off of Sammy mirrored my relief at Stéphanie's words. Thank fucking God.

"Second, you're psychic, and I can also help calm the spirits for you." At this admission, I saw tears of gratitude form in Sammy's eyes. Stéphanie didn't acknowledge the tears and simply continued, "Finally, I think... well... I think we need to consult with the Loa about you." What the hell did she mean by that?

"What do you mean?" Sammy asked.

Stéphanie smiled reassuringly. "We need to conduct a ceremony. Preferably tonight, but it will take me some time to gather everything I'll need and get my people together. Can the two of you be back here at around 11:00 pm?

Before Sammy could even reply, I responded with, "We'll be here." I didn't want to speak for the human, but we had to do something. Otherwise, Sammy was going to give my first migraine in 154 years.

On our way back to the door, Stéphanie grabbed my arm and spoke so that only I could hear. "You're so going to owe me, vampire."

Oh, great. I was going to be in debt to the vodou priestess... again.

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by Whiskey Jane
Timothy, a vampire turned no nonsense bounty hunter who keeps peace a...
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