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Chapter 2: Gangsta's Paradise

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Samantha was asleep about only five minutes into the drive. I looked at my dashboard clock. It was only 7:30, far too early for a normal human to be this exhausted. And the woman didn't even fucking know me. I could be a serial killer for all she knew. I wasn't, but still. How can you just fall asleep in the car of someone who's a perfect stranger? It wasn't safe, and the knowledge that this woman was simply so clueless and trusting unsettled me in ways I didn't fully understand. This revelation led me to ask the really important question:

What the fuck was she?

Sammy certainly smelled all human, but she didn't act human. To be honest, she didn't act normal for any supernatural race, either. Just then, the young woman yawned softly and shifted in the passenger seat, curls falling to the side and exposing her jawline and a few smatterings of freckles extended down her neck. It was a good thing I didn't feed directly from living humans anymore. Otherwise, her flesh would tempt me. Samantha was so... easy, soft and sweet and instinctively trusting.

My thoughts led me to scowl. As a predator, her weakness attracted me, and I didn't like feeling like a predator, now when I'd practiced self-control for this long. Sighing, I shifted lanes as I made my way toward her hotel. Relief washed over me when I realized that I'd soon be done with this whole incident. I'd have to find a way to make it up to Antionette, though. It would be months before she would forgive me for standing her up. 

We pulled up to the hotel, and I roused my passenger by speaking softly and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder

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We pulled up to the hotel, and I roused my passenger by speaking softly and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Sammy, we're here."

The redhead opened her eyes and stretched, blinking and looking around curiously. "We're here already?" When she realized we were in the unloading area for the hotel, she gave me a sunny smile. "You're an excellent driver, Timothy." I snorted before unbuckling and moving to get out of the vehicle. From her open door, Samantha gave me a curious look. "Oh, you're coming too?"

I sighed, running my hand through my hair before replying. "I have to use a phone."

She nodded sleepily, seeming unconcerned about the fact that she was the reason I'd have to use a hotel phone. I then watched her out of the corner of my eye as I handed my keys to the valet, telling him I probably wouldn't be more than a minute and that there was no sense in pulling my car away. When I turned around, Sammy was trying to pull her bag out of the car. A bellhop walked over to her and kindly offered to help her, but for some unfathomable reason, she denied his offer of assistance with a vigorous shake of her head. She told the man she 'had it.'

Sammy very clearly didn't have it.

Groaning and complaining quietly to myself, I walked over to my vehicle, eased her out of the way, and pulled the suitcase out before placing it gently on the ground next to the irksome woman.

"Thank you, Timothy! You didn't have to help me do that."

"Didn't I?" I mumbled as I started walking into the hotel. I heard a tiny exclamation of surprise over my speed as she grabbed her bag and started rolling to catch up with me. Her ridiculous white heels clacked on the sidewalk, sending the clattering sound echoing around the unloading area.

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