Chapter 12

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Cory and topangas POV

Cory walked back in the house

"Maya, she's gone!" Cory said hollering out

"What do you mean gone?" Topanga said with a confused like look

"What do I mean? I mean she disappeared she's gone not here!" Cory said as he started pacing back and forth

"Oh my goodness"

"Cory call her phone" Topanga said

Cory calls her phone

Riley's POV

So I was on the steps listening to there conversation

Maya is gone! She's gone! That made me scared. Where could she be? I ran upstairs to my room and called her it rong a couple of times then went to voicemail, I left a voice mail I text her she answered the text but not the call.

R: Maya!


R: Where are you

M:Lucas house

R: Lucas house wth!

M: it's okay👌🏼

R: not its not 😐

M: Ugh Riley w.e your dad ment what he said😐😐😐

R: No he didn't😑

M: he did so😬😡

R: w.e as long as your safe ❤💋

M: Riley Lucas asked me out💃🏼💃🏼😎😜

R: Fr😱

M: Nah for play😐

R: What did you say smart ass😂😄

M: when I texted him and I said have the window open he said okay when I got to his house I said the answer to your question is yes✅

R: yay🙌🏼


R: are you comming to school tommorow?

M:Yes I'm little nervous because of Mr.Matthews

R:well don't be


R: We should get some sleep because we're going to school tomorrow

M: K good night o don't tell💯❤

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