°Chapter 9 °

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That Monday morning,I woke up with much anticipation,I just knew the day would turn out right.
  " Yellow house girls,ten minutes left,if you haven't met for release I pity you" I shouted from the dormitory's verandah.

Getting the students to do their morning duty was always a case mainly because of their sluggishness to bounce back from the weekend fun in school,resulting to their state of confusion and distraught on Mondays.
My predecessors,had long figured out a means to stop this norm,as such Release was introduced to get them on their toes.
After completing your portion of work,you would have to meet the house captain for checking and letting you go,not without giving you a means of identification which was mostly numbers,that was the most important part of release.  When the school day ends, back at the hostel,the house cap would call everyone for a meeting . She'd count down the numbers and those  that have been called will move to a designated part of the compound with smiles on their face, thankful for escaping the punishment that would be melted out to the defaulters.
These children weren't much concern to me right now,how would I finish in time to get to the dining hall,I was to supervise the students for the week,as was a norm among prefects. Few of us were selected each week to take full charge of the school's daily and weekly activities, adding to our already given ones. They ranged from helping out in the dining to assembly, punishing late daystudents, keeping the school clean, dining again,prep,then lights out. Although we don't really stress ourselves after prep to make students observe the lights out anymore, the house caps could surely take care of that.

  "Kate, ah, you haven't put on your skirt. Cindy exclaimed.
She was the dining hall prefect and wanted me to escort her early,so she could count the bread before students arrived, and give a detailed attestation when called upon at the end of the month.
  "Don't shout please,I'll soon be through", I begged. She sat on my locker and waited.
"Rachael Rachael Rachael,I was practically screaming this girls name.
"Yes Snr Kate, please I'm coming,she replied.
"Bring these books to my class after assembly,if I'm not there,drop it on my desk okay" I said to her.
I didn't even wait for her reply as I left with Cindy.

After the dining,I felt queasy so I didn't attend assembly and just went straight to class. I laid on my desk and fell into a light slumber.
The noise brought me back,my classmates,arghhhhh
     Oh well ,since they're here I guess I'll just do the needful.
      Meet the students to SS2B. The noise makers of the whole block, somedays I pitied Arit our class prefect,thank God she was tough on them. What's more to say
  #  Bullies:Well we did have them in excess. They could also be very annoying,and it always pissed me off.
     #  Beautiful: Don't even go there, gorgeous is the word.
    # Studious: We were always among the best 10 on the block,leading if I may say.
   # Ambitious: We weren't like Class A which had doctors and nurses,we wanted being more than just that,reason for our outrageous hobbies and club. Take me for example,I really wanted to become a lecturer of English in the University,or a writer. Well I guess telling my story makes me one right?.
It ranged from fashion designing to catering to musicians to bloggers and tv personalities. Everyone in this school always wanted to have something with at least one of us,as you'll be termed HOT, especially if  in a more romantic way. Don't get me wrong,we still loved the medical line and some of us were bound to apply for that in the University, but it was just a way of making ourselves feel better than the rest.Out of all these, they're still the best beings I've met.
"Oh my Goshhh, he's too cute"
"Abegii,(please), he's not abeg. Have you seen Desmond in their SS 3 set"
That was Amaka and her minions.  Always arguing about the hottest boys in our counterpart school. She had no part in my story at the beginning but,as I think back now,she did.
    These girls followed her,not just because she was the prettiest in the whole block,but because she had moneyyyyyy. I guess they felt if they were close to her,her beauty would somehow radiate and shine on them, although as they say and I quote"Everyone is beautiful in their own way". Topping the class academic board was not her stance but she was an average student, just like me.
Amaka was anything like the norms of a rich girl,she didn't let it go up her head, she'd counsel everyone is they let her. She was a human diary for most people,she knew the ins and out of everyone in SS 2,as far as you've told your story to someone in this school. I don't really know how she does it ,but I admired it a bit, that was until it became about me.

"Katherine,Mrs Kalu is calling you. Genevieve,one of her minions told me.
That woman, what had I done again,I thought to myself.
Today had better still be good.

That's a wrap guys
If go MIA, just know it's because of exams 😪
I love you all so much 💖
Yunno the norms guys
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