chapter 1

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Aurora Rowle became a wolf before she even became a proper woman and her mother has hated her ever since.

Her mother grips her arm as they approach platform 9 ¾ from the spot they'd apparated to. She wishes she could enjoy the beauty of it, but at the moment she's got her mothers finger nails digging into her arm.

Her mother demands her attention by yanking her arm, Aurora turns to face her and she bends until they're nose to nose. Her nails dig into her through Aurora's sleeve into the gash she knows is there. Although her voice is a whisper, it's sharper than the blade of Aurora's dagger.

"Listen here you filthy child." Evelyn Rowle starts and Aurora groans internally, she's heard this speech at least ten times since she got her letter. "You will not disgrace your family anymore than you already have." the unsaid just by existing hangs in the air. "You will not hang out with mudbloods and you will not tell anyone about your- problem." She goes on and Aurora tries to hold in her eyeroll.

"What is this, The ten commandments?" she mutters under her breath a little too loudly, earning a slap that echoes across the emptying platform, her head snapping to the side from the force of it.

When she opens her eyes, trying to ignore the stinging of her cheek, she meets the piercing grey eyes of two boys across the platform. Despite the flow of people, they stare at each other until their own mother draws their attention, fussing with their robes. The Black's. I realize, exactly who I'm going to stay away from this year, and for the rest of my life.

The grip on Aurora's arm tightens and her attention is draw back to her angry mother who's been droning on with the lecture this whole time, Aurora hasn't heard a word but nods her head when her mother asks "Understood?" eyes narrowed as if daring her daughter to argue... she's learnt where that gets her.

Aurora hates her mothers voice, the haughty pureblood accent, so different from her dad's voice that was tinged with a homey French accent. She tries not to think of the time when she didn't mind her mother's voice. Aurora locks her jaw, doesn't meet her mother's eyes and nods, picking her trunk up with her free arm, her other one still locked in her mother's grip.

Her mothers face morphs scarily fast into one of lovingness as she steps back with a fake smile and exclaims loudly "Have fun at school darling! I'll miss you so much! Make sure to send lots of letters!" Aurora will not be sending letters. She steps back and tries to ignore the pull in her heart, how easy it is for her mother to fake it.

Her mothers tone brings back memories of a simpler time, before things fell apart. Before her mother blamed her...

Aurora, who has frankly had enough of the pretending, yanks her arm out of her mother's grip, grimacing at the pain and sprinting full pelt at the train. She's thankful the platform is practically empty, it makes her nervy escape easier. There's a shocked gasp from the woman that even Aurora can hear across the platform as she hops onto the train. The doors close behind her, cutting off the beginning of her mothers screeching "YOU LITTLE-"

Aurora tries not to think about what that will mean for her when she gets home for the next break.

She looks out the window and smirks at her mother's angry expression, honestly, she doesn't care if her mother sees her, she wouldn't be so stupid as to try and curse her in such a public place.

She takes in her surroundings, the train hallways mostly empty, she slowly walks forward and feels someone's eyes on her. She looks out the window to find a boy, Sirius Black, she thinks, looking at her with an approving smirk at the move she just pulled on her mother. Sirius' own is still screeching into his ear, not that he seems to care about a word of it.

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