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The daughter about whom the old man was talking, was walking inside the forest. She didn't react in a much strong way. She still remembers the face of the old woman who told her about her mother's death.

" Oh you poor baby, your mother is dead. I am so sorry. But nothing to fret about, your father is coming tomorrow to take you with him."

Her name was Isabella. The old woman has always felt pity for her. She has seen how her mother has mistreated her. No one in the village knows much about her. But everyone knows she is a beauty. Some even say she is a beauty far from the world. Girls and old women are jealous of her beauty.

They have rumors ongoing. Some say she is a witch some say she has done wrong deeds but no one knows her side of the story. She goes to the forest every night. She was not accepted at her home is what her mother says. Her human mother only needed her when she needed someone to wash the clothes, clean the house, milk the cow, and cut the crop. Other than that, she was never accepted in the home.

Living alone for few years had taken a dangerous toll on her mother. She was no more willing to take care of her or to wait for her father. She had sexual desires which were once fulfilled by her husband but ever since he has gone away, she has no one to fulfill her desires. Not to mention, a baby who needs her care and attention.

She was four years old when her mother couldn't keep it in control anymore and her desires overcome her rational thoughts and she got over another man. The moment the man came inside, poor Isabella couldn't keep her excitement inside. 

She has seen other families laughing with each other and are happy together too. She has never seen her real father as he has gone few months after she was born to give both of them a better life. The moment she saw the man hugging his mother she shouted the word,' Father'.

 The man didn't know about the little girl. He had no idea she will be there and overall calling her father. Her mother jumped in and handled the situation the way she sees it fit.

She didn't want to lose the opportunity which she has got after such a long period of time. Before the man could've said something, she slapped her and locked her outside after taking her outside holding her wrist. For the first time, the little girl was made to sleep outside the comfort of home.

That night the little girl cried for the harsh behavior of her mother. She didn't know where she went wrong. In the midst of her confusion and tears, she found himself in the midst of the forest. She lost her way and found herself in the woods unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadow. Once again she started sobbing. She looked around trying to find someone to help her but found no one.

The forest was quiet during the night. All creatures know that the hunting animals hunt their prey during the night time. It was the time of hunters and hunting. Suddenly in the silence of the forest, someone heard her wailing sound. That someone happens to be some wolfs.

 They were out to hunt during the nighttime. They were not far away from their pack. The sparkly blue eyes of Isabella were emitting so innocence that it appeared as if they were looking in the eyes of a pup of their own.

 They can never kill a human. Killing a human meant that other humans can come and kill them. They don't want to put their pack in danger.

They were still confused and observing the little girl with curious eyes. Suddenly, their leader, the Alpha came to the spot. By now she had stopped crying and was looking at them. She has never seen such creatures. When the Alpha came forward, she was awe-looking at him. The Alpha was taller than other wolves. Both of them were looking in eyes of each other. For the first time, he didn't threaten something for looking into his eyes.

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