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Alexander left Isabella's room the very next day before dawn. He was a man of his words. He sent a royal guard with a letter with a royal seal to Isabella. He has allowed her to stay in the castle and thanked her for helping his 'guard'. He also told her to let her 'new friend' know if she faces any type of problem.

Alexander was jousting with his friend. His friend knew about his wounds. He has seen the bandage across his abdomen area by his own bare eyes. He expected his friend to sulk. The area which was covered by a bandage makes it seems as if it was big. That should be enough to make him take shallow breaths if not restricting body movement. But he found none. It rather turned out to be a pretty fair match between two completely healthy warriors who are filled with energy.

"Your majesty, Your current fighting capacity is the same if it hasn't improved. I wonder if your wound was real or a mere covering."

"My dear friend you know I don't lie, let's just say, I met someone who tends my wounds and made it heal faster."

Indeed it was. With a smirk, he moved his sword swiftly catching him off guard. He strikes on his sword and when it was away from his reach, he changed the direction. He went for his throat and stopped few inches away from it. His friend was breathing heavily with his mouth open and wide eyes while he had an amused glint in his eyes. He expected his wounds to ache while moving. He didn't expect them to be completely dull as if they were not present. He couldn't believe that the previous night his wound was not even letting him walk to the doctor but today morning he was fighting properly. He was feeling a little to nothing ache at his wound. But he has already placed the another given paste at the said time.

"Fair match my King, fair match."

In a flash, Alexander started twisting his ring and chew on his bottom lip. His eyes darted a bit and his pace becomes slower. In few days it was his late father's birthday. Everyone was going to be there. Nobbles, royals, everyone will be attending the party. It was an ideal moment for an attack to take place and he needs to be on alert.

Soon his thoughts recalled all the passage he knows. How many people to assign as a guard and on what location. Although he spent his all effort and time planning the security, he couldn't help but doubt himself. With eyebrows furrowed together and narrow eyes, he went through every single map present once again. With the release of a soft gasp, he leaned back on his chair. He slowly rubbed his eyes and started drinking water. His thoughts soon went towards a certain golden-colored hair girl. It has never occurred with him before. He has never paid a second glance towards any girl but she had not only observed her many times but she also coming back to his thoughts. He decided not to let his thoughts wander anymore away from his royal work. He knows his people and his work require his attention but yet he finds it difficult to focus completely.

Meanwhile, Isabella was in the kitchen. The guard has already given her the letter with the royal mark. She tilted her head while observing it and went to Peter. When Peter told her what was written on the letter, she merely shrugged her shoulders. She knows that leaders don't usually listen to someone other than themselves. The fact that he listened to Xander, means that he must be in the position of Beta and real close to him. Maybe that explains the powerful aura she felt with him.

Peter was feeding her dishes made of egg. She could see him from the corner of her eyes. He was shifting from one foot to another, his action was not cooperating with his mind. He was hesitating to either say something or do something. A frown was present on his face. He will be pacing and then suddenly he will stop. Then he will open his mouth to say something then draw his hand back to rub the back of his head and then start pacing again. She wanted to say something to him to ease his stress but decided against it. She remembers her father's words when he was teaching her and her brothers,' Remember Bella, no matter what, never tell anyone what you can do except your mate. It is a rare thing for your kind'. And she was planning on following his words. No matter the consequence she knows always to follow the words of his parents. After wondering for few more moments he took a deep breath and then finally said what was bothering him. But when he did, it was almost as if she couldn't feel the ground beneath her.

"Bella, I need you to go and serve a meal to the king."

Peter knew what has happened when she last went near to him. She was nearly banished from the palace. It was in her luck that it was proved that she had no hand in the conspiracy but that still didn't ease her. People have already started talking about her too. She is now in the range of suspicion it was a wonder that the guards are yet treating her with kindness. But Peter also had his own reasons to ask her of such a work.

The food stopped in the middle of the way. Her brain stopped working. Eyes big, eyebrows raised. Mouth slightly opened but no voice coming out. She was gaping like a fish. She was frozen.

"He. Will. Kill. Me."

She spelled ever slowly and calmly for Peter to understand the weight of her words properly. She was scared of the king even after he has shown her his kindness. The events from the last time when she went close were still fresh in her mind.

He was a human. Humans were confusing and clever. Her father told her that she needs to be with them, but not too close to anyone, and definitely do not trust who was not her mate. He told her that they are witty, confusing, and hard to read. This could not be good for her.

"He will not. Look, I can't send someone else. They will inform everyone about him being alive and well. And if that happens, his enemies will again attack him. You are the only one I can trust. And, look, you can thank him for letting you stay here and I will give you well-cooked meals of an egg every day, just the way you like. Please, do it."

A frown appeared on her face. With narrow eyes, she placed her chin on her palm. His words made her think over her decision. Suddenly she remembers something. She remembers her father offers food to the new members of the pack. It shows trust. Maybe, if she does that the king will forgive her and accept her wholeheartedly. After calculating the pros and cons once again, she finally agreed to go and serve the king. By now she knows that she could be killed but it will be worth the trial. After all, her father has made her proud not week. She suddenly jumped on her feet with determination in her eyes. It was a proud moment for her to be trusted. And now she was willing to do it.

Peter couldn't understand what has gotten into this girl. One moment she was scared and now she was willing to serve him. He just chuckled and shake his head. He just arranges the things on the tray and told her to walk to the door and knock. And enter when he will say something from inside. Isabella followed his words and now she was standing in front of the closed door. She was looking sideways for something if to find someone. She rubbed her sweaty palm on her cloth and put them in the fisted position. She slowly knocked on the door but it echoed through the corridor. She flinched a bit because of the sudden voice in the silence.

"Come in"

She slowly left her lip between her teeth and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and left out a small gasp while opening her eyes. She slowly twists the handle of the door and walked in. But soon her eyes became wide and then a frown appeared on the face.

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