Flown the Coop

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As they continued talking they never noticed a cloaked wizard walk passed the shop window with ingredients for a variety of potions including the Poly juice potion ...


Tom listened excitedly as Julian explained every detail of what happened in that meeting. "So ... he hurt that girl from my memory and many others? Is he in prison?"

"Yep! In a few days we should hear something about what will happen to him." Julian said as they got ready for dinner.

Brian frowned as he turned the stove off and removed the pot of chili, "If half of the cases that Cornelius wanted solved are connected to Dumbledore then I see only one possible end to this." He said solemnly.

'Good. It serves him right for what he did to my human.' Tanzanite hissed as he coiled up on Julian's head.

Tom's face fell as the realization of what the occamy meant hit him, "Right ..."

"Yes." Brian said quickly despite not knowing the occamy's exact words. "A truly cruel man will hopefully never hurt anyone again. His crimes got him there and your memory stopped him." He said firmly making sure the young wizard didn't start blaming himself for the death of a person, especially a man like that. "Of course, this isn't something I want you guys to worry about. Remember, you guys have classes."

Tom mentally pushed the morbid subject aside, "Professor Kathy said she wanted me to practice levitation while using water so we'll be at the fountain for after school practice."

Brian smiled, "She told me you were doing quite well."

Tom blushed sheepishly, "If you don't count nearly cracking my own head open with a book. Moving to water might be more advanced, but it'll be safer too."

"I can meet you there if you want." Julian offered as he passed out the plates and bowls. "Draco has a swim meet and I was going to meet him anyway."

"Sure, but no laughing if I get drenched." Tom chuckled.

"No laughing." Julian said seriously. "Only pictures." He said with a grin.

Tom gaped, "You wouldn't!"

Brian chuckled, "Time to eat, you two!"

Everything seemed fine after today's madness. Tom and Julian slept peacefully thinking Dumbledore was in a wizard prison. However, when they woke up they heard Brian talking to someone in the floo ...

"It's just a bad feeling. Can you go check?" Brian asked as he motioned for the young wizards to eat breakfast.


Cornelius was feeling immensely relieved when he watched the cell door close on Dumbledore. This was a huge victory that brought justice for so many. At least, that's what he thought until he received a floo call.

"Brian? Is something wrong?" Cornelius asked when he recognized the person in the embers.

"I don't know for sure ... it's something about Dumbledore." The ember face of Brian said.

"I personally made sure he was locked up." Cornelius said as he went through a mental checklist to see if it was possible that he missed something.

"It's just a feeling. Could you go check?" Brian asked.

There was something about Brian's tone that made Cornelius worry, "Ok. It won't hurt anything to go see. Oh, why didn't you call my cell?"

"I have a feeling you'll need as much battery as possible." Brian said ominously.

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