Unwanted Invite

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"Yeah sure." Draco said indifferently. He didn't show it, but Julian could tell he was happy ...


"He won't catch us this time, Fred," whispered one red haired teen as he snuck down the dark halls of Hogwarts with his twin brother by his side.

"That's right, George. We have to get just one prank in before the train leaves tomorrow." Fred whispered. The sneaky twins crept silently through the dark corridors with only two lanterns to light the way. They had everything they needed to prank the entire Great hall so several paint bombs of many different colors would go off under the headmaster's chair completed with a shower of charmed glitter that won't come off with any cleaning spell. To prank the most powerful wizard in such a way would give the reputation of being the greatest pranksters ever! All their attempts to prove their pranking prowess so far have been thwarted by one person ...

Professor Severus Snape ...

The man always seems to know when they're planning a prank, where to be to catch them in the act and some how consistently knew which twin was which. Their own parents never managed to do that! The wizard has become the twins biggest test and was by far their favorite professor. Severus may have always caught them, but he was pretty nice about it. He only punished them when they were clearly going to try a humiliating or potentially dangerous prank. If the prank was something harmless he just takes the supplies they have on them at the time and takes them back to the Gryffindor dorms. They only received one howler from their mother too, which Professor Snape insisted they open it in his office instead of in front of everyone else, but the fact that they got only one howler means that the professor didn't always report their misdeeds.

"Finally! We did it!" The twins exclaimed softly as they completed their last charm for the trap. Both twins stiffened as they heard the sound of someone turning the page of a magazine and slowly turned to see Professor Snape sitting next to the lantern they placed on the end of the Ravenclaw table closest to them. "P-professor?"

Severus looked up from his magazine, "Don't worry, boys. I'm not going to stop this prank nor will I punish you ... there'd hardly be any logic to that when school ends tomorrow. You both did an excellent job of getting passed me this time. I must say I'm impressed." He said genuinely surprised. Of course, he was busy plotting a few things himself. He has been wanting to do this for many years. 7 years to be exact. Ever since he saw that four year old boy named Julian go through his blood adoption.

"You don't mind?. ... are you going to warn the headmaster?" Fred and George asked in perfect sync.

"Nope ... the headmaster is 120 some years old and has been at the school as a staff member for 80 years so I think he can handle a joke." Severus said with a shrug as he stood up. (Besides, he will need to get used to being the butt of every joke soon.) Severus thought sadistically.

It was the end of June and soon Julian will be 11 years old. Normally a child destined for Hogwarts will receive a letter only two weeks before school starts in September, but Harry James Potter was the one who was signed up for Hogwarts not Julian River White. Hogwarts will take account of the blood adoption and blank out his name as if he was never there. No letter written by the magical school will be sent for Julian. Of course, no one will realize this until they find that Harry isn't at school. Only when people start kicking up a fuss and wasting resources trying to find a boy they don't deserve will it be revealed by the goblins that Harry Potter was adopted and his name was not only changed, but he was not even in the same country. Severus had no doubt that the goblins will love breaking the news ...

"Ok professor! So we really got passed you?" The twins asked eagerly as they grabbed the lanterns before following the professor.

Severus chuckled as he folded his magazine and tucked it under his arm, "Yes, you both did. However, it's still too dangerous to be out this late. Back to bed." He said and escorted them back to their dorms.

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