Gloien (Age 7)

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It's an average day at Pelekai household. In the living room, Lilo is playing with Stitch but then heard a crash inside the house.
"Aww, Gloien!" Lilo groans then went inside the kitchen, "You said you know where the door is?"
"Sorry, Sis Nui... I don't feel like going outside. I want to go to the living room." Gloien replied.
"Is fine, You should have told me. Anyway, maybe we can watch tv?" Lilo asked.
"Yeah!" Gloien smiled.
Stitch went ahead to the living room and turn on the tv. Lilo went to the couch as she holds Gloien's hand.
"What are we watching?" Gloien asked.
"Mmm... a rerun I guess..." Lilo replied.
"Rerun?" Gloien tilts his head a little.
"Yeah. Looks like Amphibia and The Owl House are better this year. Just like old times." Lilo replied.
"Oh yeah, you guys are a series one time," Gloien remembered.
"And got a couple of crossovers," Lilo added.
"Ooooh." Gloien is impressed.
"Aktika!" Stitch got out an old picture and gave it to Lilo.
"Yeah, the year 2005. I got a few crossovers. I met Kim Possible, Jake Long, Penny Proud, and Recess kids." Lilo smiles sadly as she points at the people in the picture.
"They might like their good people." Said Gloien.
"Yeah... since we are out of the cartoon business... now a day is live-action kid shows than cartoons. There were a few backs then." Lilo got grumpy from what's happened.
"Make sense..."  Gloien felt saddened.
"But I haven't seen them in a long time. I heard Penny is getting a reboot and know Kim had a live-action before." Lilo sighed then got an idea, "Maybe we should get a reunion! Plus they got to meet you Gloien!"
"M-me? But are they nice?" Gloien asked.
"Of course. Plus they know about Stitch being an alien so they don't mind meeting you." Lilo replied.
"Reunion!" Stitch cheered.
"Yeah from the old times!" Gloien cheered as well.
"But... we got to tell Jumba and Pleakey about it," Lilo said nervously.
"What about Nani?" Gloien asked.
"Well she is busy and I don't have anything to do for her," Lilo replied.
"Okay. The party starts today!" Gloien cheered.
"Alright!" Lilo agreed.

Later, Lilo explained about the reunion party to Jumba and Pleakey. Jumba felt unsure about but Pleakey on the other hand is excited.
"Kim Possible is coming!? It's been so long!" He squealed.
"Wow. Must be a fan, Uncle." Gloien sweated.
"That's right! I also got a wig that matches Kim!" Pleakey shows the wig.
"Uhhh... right." Gloien knew he can't see but accept it.
"Little girl, you never know if Nani would ask you to do things," Jumba said.
"Don't worry, Jumba. She is too busy she didn't try asking me for stuff." Lilo reassured him.
"Alright... anyway I got to update the computer and be back to help you up," Jumba replied.
"And I help you clean and decorate!" Pleakey got out the clean supplies.
"Ok thank you!" Gloien replied.
"Alright let's do this!" Lilo said.
"Yeah!" Stitch nods.
In the living room, everyone is decorating while Gloien is blowing up a balloon but it blows away.
"Aw, man..." Gloien sighed.
Stitch came to help and quickly blow balloons quickly then made a bundle of them to tape it to the wall.
"Thanks, Stitch!" Gloien said.
"Alright, all it needs is the snacks." Lilo checking the list.
"Did you check the kitchen?" Pleakey asked.
"Yeah and no other snacks here. I think someone ate it all..." Lilo gave a death glare at Stitch.
"Heh... sorry." Stitch apologized.
Nani arrived home and saw the decorated living room, "Lilo..."
"Hi, Nani!" Lilo greeted, "Me and Gloien are thinking about making a reunion party for my old friends."
"You wouldn't mind, right?" Gloien asked nervously.
"It's fine as long no one doesn't destroy the house... but Lilo you forgot to help Miss Hasagawa with her stand today." Nani told her little sister, "Then I expect you do not cause trouble on the way there."
"Alright, Nani," Lilo replied.
"Oh yeah can you pack lunch for me? I had no time." Nani said then she ran off.
"Oh no... I do have things to do... I already call them to come here... but the party must go on!" Lilo turned to Gloien, "Gloien, you got to get the snacks with Stitch."
"Umm, I don't know I can do it..." Gloien sweated.
"I know you can do it. Stitch will help you." Lilo put a leash on Stitch and gave the holder to Gloien.
"Alright," Gloien replied.
"Are you sure I can take him?" Pleakey asked.
"It's just a couple of stores. He just needs Stitch Power." Lilo replied and put a backpack on Gloien.
"Okay. I will do it!" Gloien said in determination.
"Alright! Stitch you guys have fun." Lilo told Stitch.
"Right!" Stitch ran out the door and Gloien was holding on to the leash then Lilo leaves the house.

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