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I switch on the TV.It's been pretty eventful lately.I'm glad to finally have some free time to myself.

"Breaking news,a new villain has emerged in Gotham.She's robbed two banks and has only been spotted twice.She has h/c hair and she's about y/h.If you have any information on the girl,please tell the GCPD immediately."

       Well shit.I bet I could guess who that is.

     I suddenly hear knocks on my window.I jump.

    What is it now?
     I walk over to it and open the curtains to see the bat squatting down on the windowsill.

     "Holy-! Oh my god! Are you okay?" I ask,opening the window.

      "Here,get in! God,you scared me."He looks around.Then back at me.

       "Nice place."He says nodding to himself.

       "Um..Thanks? So why are you in my apartment again? I thought you might've been running away from someone."

        He shakes his head."No,I came here to ask a few questions.I'm sure you've heard about the robberies.I've got a pretty good idea of who it could be.She was your patient right?"

        It's my turn to nod."Thats what I thought.She saved you from the Joker,correct?Are you two close?"

        "No sir,actually,she escaped during our very first meeting.She was in there because she regularly made threats to people and we just wanted make sure she was okay and there weren't any screws loose.She had never made any attempts at a robbery though,or at least not that we know of.Its very out of character for her to do something like this."

        "I see.Do you have any idea why she could've done this? Or where she might be?"

        "She has dissociative identity disorder.Something could've triggered it.Or the Joker might've done something to her.As for where she is,I have no idea."

        "Alright.Thank you,that'll be all for now.If I have any more questions I'll be sure to stop by."He says,turning and jumping out of the window.

         Self inviting much?I flop back on the seat in front of my TV,ignoring the bizarre encounter.

         As I continue watching the news,I get the nagging feeling that I should help find her.

       "God damn it." I say,getting up and heading towards the door.I can't stand this stupid feeling of responsibility for her.Like I have to protect her.The thought of the Joker doing something to her is terrorizing my mind.

   I slip my shoes on and head out to the car.

——-Your POV——————————————

      All my alters are speaking at the same time.I grab my head and pull at my hair.I scream in pain,the voices overstimulating me and giving me a headache.I can see Scarecrow and the Joker staring at me from afar.

     "That's the last time you'll be threatening me young lady." The Joker says with a hearty laugh.Scarecrow sighs."And this is the last time I'll be working with you,Joker.I came all the way out here just for this? Not worth the half a million.Waste of gas."

       Joker groans."God,you're so boring.Anyway,how's it feel to have all those alters fused into one?You like?"

       "Why are you doing this to me?!?!" I say,getting dizzy.I look up at the forest around me.It's all spinning.I feel like I'm gonna throw up.My knees are scratched and bruised from sitting on them for so long,but I can hardly feel it anymore.I hunch back down and scream once again.

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