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Sadie and I veer off away from the school and the blaring alarms of the fire department. Finally we find a park that looked a bit more peaceful than the school did, at this moment in time. Gasping we sat down on a bench at the edge of the park. “What happened back there?” Asked Sadie between gasps. I was almost to tired to know the answer, but I answered the question to the best of my ability. “I think those things that we saw were ware-demons. Animals that can suddenly turn into huge demons, day or night.” Sadie snapped back, “And, how do you know that?” I sighed, I did not want to tell her about being a demon-hunter but it looked like I had no other choice. I sighed, and began to tell her how I was not really human, that I fight and kill demons, and that my dad was not human. She took all of this in and more with wide eyes and a pulse that I could hear. After I was done explaining about me and my job, I went on to explain about my parents. When I got to the part where I was made, Sadie finally snapped out of her daze and told me to stop. It was her turn to sigh, “So, what exactly are you?” She asked in a whisper. “I am Nephilim.” I say with a sideways glance at her. She won't look at me. “Why can I see what you can see?” She asks me in a whisper. I don't know. I tell myself. That is the same question I have been asking myself for three years.

Screaming. So much screaming. “No!” I shout. Shaking, I wake in a cold sweat. It was a dream, only a dream. I lay back down with a sigh, and watch how peacefully Sadie sleeps. I sigh just as Sadie opens her eyes to the makeshift tent I fashioned after she went to bed. Her eyes wide she looked around. “What the hell happened while I was out!” I respond carefully, “I put up the tent.” Shadowhunter tents can be kinda hard for people to understand. As she wanders around the tent I think how much I have missed sleeping in a warded tent. Big, vast walls surround the center (and the most beautiful) part of the tent, a diamond chandelier. Sadie's eyes rest on this very object, and she gasps. “This doesn't make any sense! How can you have such a small tent with such big rooms!” I chuckle and turn to her wondering how to put this so she will not go completely insane, but also so I don’t reveal any Shadowhunter secrets. “It's Majik”

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