Chapter 1

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The restless streets were crowded, with many moving with a purpose. My target was no different. The smog was thick today, scents of sewage and gas intermingle together. I rubbed my eyes to relieve the burn and to push my unruly hair from my view. I knew I should've worn my full mask today. His sandy brown hair peeked from under his tattered hat as he checked his surroundings.

He kept the same pace as he cut down a tight alley. I leaned against one of the many posters that littered the town, warning its citizens of the dangerous rebels that threaten their happy lives. I caught a glimpse of him disappearing into an abandoned building; I followed suit. The scuffle of trash and debris echoed throughout the room as my bag hit the floor. I leaped up to grab the cold bricks; my foot lugged my body over the side.

"Do you have any food to spare," a weak whisper called out.

I strained to make out the dark silhouette crouch in the corner; a fragile guy with matted dark hair plastered to his forehead drenched in sweat. He stretched his bony hand out to me. I made my way over.

"Something better. If you can breathe, you will always have a chance," I pulled out an extra gas mask and slid the straps over his head.

"Great, I can die from starvation instead," he said as he laid back.

I clenched my jaw. She has her goons travel the last of the free lands to capture more of us. Most are sent down here to work for scraps, while others are never seen again. We will remove Her Highness's foot from the neck of this clan soon enough.

"There's a rumor that Shadow will be dropping food again soon," I said.

He pressed his hands together, "Our only saving grace."

I continued my path until I came across my target waiting on the balcony: Sweet Elijah, a loyal brother, a hard worker with inventive ideas.

"You're late," a gruff voice said.

"S- sorry."

"Well," the man asked, crossing his arms.

His new cloak billowed with the motion, revealing his smooth black pants. Tucked in it, a crisp white shirt with a roaring lion printed down the right side.

A fucking thorn in my ass.

He cleared his throat, "I couldn't get it. I'm sorry."

"As am I," Sebastian said, walking away.

"I can find out where the rebels are hiding," Elijah said, snatching his arm.

Sebastian snapped his head back, narrowing his dark eyes. He straightened his body with his shoulders back. A sharp breath echoed through the doorway I'm compressed to. He glanced between Elijah and his ill-placed hand. Elijah's grip popped back.

"Is it going through," Elijah asked.


"With it in place, you can wipe them all out without getting your hands dirty," he said.

"How will you get that information," Sebastian said, stepping until their chests touched.

"I'm due for a promotion. With this one, I will be able to live in the free city."

"If you can, then I will keep my word," he jumped from the balcony.

Elijah slid to the ground and leaned against the wall. We both sit there enjoying the quiet oasis surrounded by despair. The breeze felt nice, but with it, it carried grey curtains.


He jumped to his feet, grabbing his heart. I gave a light laugh walking to the broken railing.

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