Chapter 1

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The fight between Plants and Zombies just won't end. The Zombies love to grab some brains, but they are getting beaten up by the plants.

Crazy Dave, the leader of the Plants, was making some adjustments for the plants. Making sure they have plenty of water and sunlight. He was planting the same kind of plants like Peashooters and Sunflowers. Protecting their lawn was his thing to keep the zombies out and keeping their brains in.

After the zombies retreated to their home base, Crazy Dave was thinking about the plants and thought that they could use an extra spring in their leaves. So he conduct an experiment. And then, an idea came to him.

"Wabby wabbo! I got the perfect idea for my plants! This is going to be perfect! Get ready Zombies, because this invention is going to be sweet! Ahahahah!!!" Crazy Dave laughed, looking at the image of a Mega Flower. He got up and start on his invention.

Dr. Zomboss' POV

"I'm so bored. When is Crazy Dave ever going to give up?" I was sitting in a chair in my mountain called Zomboss Mountain. I'm so bored I can eat a brain. Ugh, why does this always happen to me? My inventions failed, hunt for brains is still on my top list and now my zombie horde is getting beaten up by Crazy Dave's strongest plants. I'm losing my mind.

"Zomboss!" I heard a Flag Zombie enter to my mountain, along with the other zombies that are bruised. "The plants got us again!" He added.

"I know. I noticed that you're beaten up by them." I said pointing to their bruise marks on their skins. I hope I get some good news soon.

"But we have found something." Browncoat Zombie said. That got my attention. I lift my head up in surprise. "You do?! What did you find?"

"We found a Lighthouse. Here, there's a big Sunflower making sun energy and it looks like she's collecting something special." Flag Zombie said, giving the picture of a Mega Flower. I looked at it for a few seconds and then I let out a laugh.

"Ha! That Mega Flower may be strong, but my Zombie army is stronger!" I said as I put this on the table

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"Ha! That Mega Flower may be strong, but my Zombie army is stronger!" I said as I put this on the table. "You! Go to the Lighthouse and vanquish the Mega Flower!"

"Yes sir Zomboss!" The Zombies all said and headed out to vanquish the Mega Flower. As I smiled, I look at this place. It's quiet and empty. " it's just me alone." I sigh as I sat down on the chair and fell asleep.

Browncoat Zombie's POV

As we see the Lighthouse with the Mega Flower on top, we use the cannons to launch ourselves to the island. I look up at the Mega Flower with a growl and landed on the ground. She's huge, yet still smiling with that cute face. We made it to the Lighthouse entrance and saw the plants firing at us!

We took some damage from them. I was about to get knocked out but then...

"Ok Plants, cease the fight!" Someone said as they all stopped firing and look behind the door. There was a human with a pot in his head. He's crazy! It's Crazy Dave!

"Ah Zombies, glad you came. I have a surprise for you!" Crazy Dave said. We all looked at each other in confusion. "Just look up." Crazy Dave point his finger up. We look up at the Lighthouse and see the Mega Flower charging up with Sun Power.

 We look up at the Lighthouse and see the Mega Flower charging up with Sun Power

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We ran away, hoping that she doesn't hurt us. But instead of hurting us, she used it to fire on the Peashooter!

The Peashooter was out of the pot and now on land with plant legs. He looks different. Almost as if he looked like...a hero. He has pea-like hands with vines on his central stem. He has two leaves on the back of his head and on his eyes.

 He has two leaves on the back of his head and on his eyes

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We turned our backs to see Peashooter. He did turned into a hero! "Behold! My Peashooter will kick your zombie butts!" Crazy Dave laughed. "Get them while I use my Mega Flower!" Crazy Dave commanded the Peashooter as Peashooter used the Hyper ability to run fast and jump higher. We split up so that we don't have to be attacked in a group.

I look behind me and noticed Peashooter is chasing me on the hills. I can't outrun him! Peashooter shot peas from his Pea Cannon. One of them hit my back. I fell down on the grassy ground, feeling the pain on my back as I slowly move. Then, I felt a leaf foot on my back. Peashooter is on me, locking onto me as if he was going to finish me off for good.

"Hahahaha! Oh Browncoat, you're the weakest zombie I have ever seen! And now, you shall feel the wrath of my Mega Flower!" Crazy Dave laughed at me. He pressed the button and then, with a shocked look on his face. He pressed the button that says "Don't press!"

"Uh oh..." Crazy Dave said as the Mega Flower charged up too much Sun Power and then she blasted the energy at all of us! I was hit by the blast as I launched back a little bit. I feel the world around me going dark as I feel my surroundings going dense. My ears are ringing and I can barely hear what is going on.

"Browncoat!" One of the zombies said. "Forget him, let's go!" The other zombie said. "But Browncoat..." That was the last thing I hear before I shut my eyes and darkness clouded my vision...

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