Chapter 2

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Browncoat Zombie/Foot Soldier's POV

...did I made it? Did I survive? My questions echoed in my mind. I can't tell if I did survive or not. So I open my eyes, only to see the sun shining on my face.

"Ugh..brainz..." I groaned as I blocked it with my hand. As I did so, I noticed something...different...

I look at myself. I have a Soldier's uniform with a helmet on my head. Then I notice something hard on my back. It must be what Soldiers use when they have these on their backs. Whatever it is, it will help me during this warfare.

"Brainz..? Is this...?" I said looking at myself again. Then, Crazy Dave shouted. "What?! That Browncoat Zombie turned into a Hero?! Impossible! They should be vanquished!" That's where it hit me! I look up at the Mega Flower. She looks tired and can hardly move. Then I remember what happened after the blast that the Mega Flower hit me with.

If I'm a hero, that could only mean one thing... I looked around, trying to find a mirror somewhere. But there is no mirrors here, so I keep thinking until I look down at my Z-1 Assault Blaster that I'm holding with my right hand.

I am a hero! I'm a Foot Soldier! I thought to myself. A smile came on my face as I got up and walk around.

 A smile came on my face as I got up and walk around

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I heard a Peashooter waking up from that blast. "Ugh..." Peashooter groaned in pain as he open his eyes and sat up. I slowly walk to the Peashooter with a bit of worry on my face. As Peashooter shake his head a few times, he turned to me with a surprise look on his face.

"Ahh!!! A Foot Soldier Zombie!" Peashooter yelled. I tried to calm him down, but instead I got hit by his Pea Cannon. I was hit one by one, my hp dropping from 63 to 20. The monitor of my heartbeat was ringing in my ears as I fell down on my knees.

"W-wait Peashooter..ow." I said, feeling the pain inside my undead body. Peashooter stopped and looked at me, hoping that I would fight back, but I don't know how to. "Foot Soldier, aren't you going to fight back?" He asked me. I feel the pain slowly going away a little as I see little plus signs around me, healing me. Bringing my hp back up to 63.

"Brainz, I would." I said, starting to get up. "But I don't know how." I feel so down in myself. I don't even know what abilities I have. If Peashooter would have the greater advantage of vanquishing me, I would be screwed.

"Wait, you don't know what abilities you have?" Peashooter asked. I give him the "Not a Clue" gesture. "Oh...sun." Peashooter said. "Maybe I could teach you, if you're up for it?"

I look at my Z-1 Assault Blaster. Looking at it just makes me want to be a Hero. I lift my head and smiled.

"I would love to do it, but wait! What if you get-" Peashooter stopped me. "I know. I just want to make sure that you're ready for your first adventure in Garden Warfare." Peashooter said.

"And this must be your first time here." Peashooter added. "Yeah." I said as I nod my head. "I guess I could give it a try." Peashooter jumped up and down in joy. "Yeah! I knew you can do it!" I give him a "Healthy Nod".

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