Chapter 5

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(Don't mind the Night version of Cactus Canyon. It's Day time here.)

Third Person POV

Cactus Canyon is a dry dry desert filled with bones and parts that crash here. There's even a golf course.

A basic Cactus was in her pot, minding her own business and watching some zombies from the rocky platforms. She was good at her own thing, watching. That's her job.

Her sniping shot truly got her all pumped up. If she wants to become what she truly deserves, then her days of sitting here would be over. But she has to wait, for now, she has to watch what the zombies are doing.

The Buckethead Zombie is one of them that she observes every day. Seeing him made her felt something. Could it be like a mystery?

Buckethead Zombie's POV

I was in training outside with my fellow zombies. We do things like racing around the track, play rock throw and some golf.

Racing the track is one of my favorite things that I've been doing. Running made me feel healthy and strong. There is something that also interest me. Football. And I love football.

As we were racing around the track, I feel like I'm running like the wind. Almost as if I'm sprinting to the finish line. I feel my legs picking up speed as I getting close to the finish line. I crossed it and got first place.

"Nice job, Buckethead!" Browncoat said, catching his breath. I gave myself a proud smile. Then I look up at the sunny sky. There, I see something. Is that a rocket? It is!

Why is it heading straight toward me? My mind begin to wonder, but just as I see this strange rocket. I back away slowly. Oh... brains...

It make some swirly spins before crashing to me. I shield myself from being blasted.


I was knocked back and land on the ground with my back on it. I felt a hit of impact on my strong body. That was the last thing I see before everything went black.

Cactus's POV

A blast hits the field that I'm watching. The zombies were knocked back from the blast. One of them was the Buckethead Zombie transforming into some kind of a Hero. Strange?

The rest of the zombies gathered around him to make sure that he's ok. I look up and see a blimp with a Z on both sides. Another one was a RV that looked like a refrigerator. Curious, I feel something on my body as I feel myself growing. Could it be a mystery, too?

Huh? What is this feeling? What's happening to me?! My mind asked questions as I look at myself and the blast not that far, but not too close. I heard a crack as I look down and see that my pot was broken to pieces. I guess that means no sitting ducks anymore.

I got up and look at my Hero self. I now have feet to walk on land and I have abilities too! I have my Potato Mines, Garlic Drone and my Tallnut Battlement. It was my dream come true as a Plant Hero who stands guard and fires aggressively.

 It was my dream come true as a Plant Hero who stands guard and fires aggressively

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