Chapter 6 (Rp)

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Foot Soldier's POV

It's been a while since we have been reunited with all of the Zombie Heroes and Plant Heroes we have collected. All of our old memories started to take effect in our minds from the blast, causing them to remember who we are now. Now I start to remember how I forgot what I was in the beginning, now I remember that I was a Foot Soldier.

Anyways, we're in the Zomboss Mansion, which is our home to the Zombies. Speaking of Zomboss, he was taking to all of us about the surprise. Wonder what it is?

"Ok my fellow Zombies! Today, I'm going to show you our surprise!" Dr. Zomboss smiled. He has a party hat on his head. "What's the surprise? I'm waiting for it right now." All Star replied, standing there with his Football Cannon as a stand. "That's what I was going for, All Star. The surprise is that we're going to celebrate!" Dr. Zomboss said as he raised his hands in the air.

We all look at each other, confused as if we still don't know the surprise really was. "Wait, hold on. I'm really confused." Engineer said, raising his hand. Dr. Zomboss facepalm himself on the head. "Oh vey... I would be disappointed, but I'm not because I'm happy that everyone is here."

"Well, we're all happy for you, Zomboss." I said with a smile. "That's good to hear Foot Soldier. Now for the surprise." Dr. Zomboss walked over to his monitor to see it, then he turned to the rest of us.

"I'll be watching all of you through this monitor during Boss Mode. The rest of you will do something for me. Just for fun." Dr. Zomboss said as he sat down in his chair, then he turned to us again. "Say cheese."

We were all confused again. Then all of a sudden, Dr. Zomboss pressed the button and then there was a bright light, blinding all of us. Then I don't know what happened after that as I feel like I'm falling from the sky. Sorta.

Peashooter's POV

I was so happy that we got all of the Plant Heroes. The rest of them and their varieties should come soon. In the meantime, Crazy Dave has been making something in Dave's Mansion and I'm ready for it. After he's done, he called everyplant here for a surprise.

"Ok Plant Pals. Today, I got a very crazy surprise for all of you Plants." Crazy Dave announced. "What's the surprise?" I asked the leader of the Plants. "Good question Peashooter. I was about to tell you about our special fun surprise. It's about fun and excitement!"

"Fun?" I heard one of the Plants say. "Did you say fun?" Cactus was happy about this. She even has some sniping skills. "Indeed I did, Cactus. I'll be taking you to your first match." Crazy Dave said and then we all smiled with excitement, doing some gestures. "But wait!" Chomper said. "What's the match all about? It's like Plants and Zombies are fighting each other."

"Yeah, I agree. Almost like there's some surprise for all of us. Isn't that right, Crazy Dave?" I said, turning to Crazy Dave who just went outside. So we followed him outside to see Crazy Dave and his RV. He turned to us and smiled. "I forgot to mention where this came from. Anyway, I think it's time for you Plant Pals to join the match."

"We're joining the match?! Oh my gosh! Tell me this is happening?" Sunflower squealed with cuteness as she put her flower hands on her face. "But how do we get there?" I asked Crazy Dave and that's when he have an idea. "Wabby Wabbo! I got an idea! What if I do this?" Crazy Dave pressed the button and then, all of a sudden, we were teleported to Suburban Flats.


(I don't know what to do to make the match start so lolololololololol 😅)

(But feel free to rp in the comments section! That'll be helpful! ☺️)


(Here is the rp for this one)

You're either a Plant Hero or a Zombie Hero in Suburban Flats in Team Vanquish. The two fractions can have up to 12 players each.

Every vanquish scores one point for the player's team.

Every revival removes a point from the opponent's team.

50 points are required to win.

(Enjoy roleplaying peeps! ^^)

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