2.School lunch

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Walking with 3 classmates was something that you didn't expect to happen especially in the first day of school , as much as it was very exciting, it was also something brand new, so you didn't really know how to act and what to do , you looked at them as they were talking to each other and laughing
(Am I a bother ? After all I came out of nowhere in their trio ... Maybe I should just leave ? Make up an excuse ?.... NO ! NOT NOW I have a chance to get closer to them , and I have to use it ! Don't give up just yet . There's just a bunch of dudes , I've been living with boys my whole life ! I will find something they'd like to talk about , after all I joined them not to just look at them talking. Think Y/N THINK!! Games ! Right games , which one tho?.... (F/game) ! There isn't a single person in this world who haven't heard about this game , sh*t's addicted as hell , you play it one time and don't even notice the hours passing) you waited for a moment when silence would occur between the three of them and you took your fist , inhaled
YN :<< You he- >>
Kaidou : <<Guys go find a table for us I'll go find Saiki ! I'll be back soon!>>
As he said that , he disappeared in the crowd , and he took all your will to talk
(Damn you Kaidou , you took my chance to start a conversation ARGHHHH )

The cafeteria was quite noisy and like you excepted when you stepped a foot inside it , half of the people went quite and angrily stared at you , you gulped as you felt your anxiety increase
(What do I do , what do I do , what do I do , I'm not used to all this staring , normally people wouldn't even know I exist , but here I am all eyes on me so what do I do now ...)

You were drowning in your thoughts when out of nowhere you felt someone touch your right shoulder , You grabbed very roughly the hand that touched you and immediately after that looked to your right , to meet Aren's worried face

Aren :<<.. Uh you alright?.....>>
As he said that you instantly left go his hand , and hid your face
Your face heated up so much that anyone could misinterpret it for a fever , you bowed your head several times
Aren :<<Hey HEY , It's ok ! Just calm d->>

As Aren was trying to calm you down , Nendou hit you on your back in a "friendly" way , yet it was very painful because that man just didn't seem to know how to control his strength AT ALL
Nendou:<< You're so weird girly! HAHAHA!!>>
You coughed , as you looked back at Nendou
(... You should probably see yourself first Nendou ...)

Looking at you Aren felt as if you were feeling awkward because of him and Nendou , but especially Nendou because he kept on calling you " girly " instead of your name , which he found to be quite disrespectful
Aren :<< Hey Nendou maybe stop calling L/N "girly" she barely knows you ...>>
Nendou:<< What's so bad about calling her "girly" I think it suits her >>
Aren sighs << Well maybe she don't want to be called like that >>
Nendou :<<Why wouldn't she want to be called like that?>>
Aren took his fist , he really wanted to hit Nendou but he restrained himself , after all Nendou is his friend even tho he is a total idiot , he sighed
Aren:<< Whatever , just don't be surprised if one day you get kicked in the balls after calling someone with that kind of nickname>>

The three of you took your lunch from the Lunch lady ,
Aren :<<There's a empty table there let's go >> he pointed to a empty table with 6 sits around it
As all the 3 of you sat on your sits ,You took the bottom of your mask and pulled it a little bit up so you could eat but your face wouldn't be seen and started eating right away while Aren and Nendou started talking about whatever came into their mind , you looked at them feeling a little disappointed (And I thought that this time , it's going to be special , hah bullsh*t ...) You stared at their untouched food while you were already finishing half of yours.
As you were taking another bite,

Blooming flower -Aren Kuboyasu x (fem) readerWhere stories live. Discover now