3. Neighborhood

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You spent half an hour in the director's office , with the director complaining on the fact that you forgot to bring a couple of papers and answer a few informations on some papers for your inscription, you cursed yourself , trusting your big brother on the paper work was a bad idea after all , you took the uncompleted papers and went out ,

You smelled the fresh air from outside the school ( Finally ...) You took your phone and it was 16:15 , you still had time to hang out with Aren and Kaidou ! The only problem was you didn't know where they were nor you had their phone numbers , so the only thing that was left for you to do ,was to go home , you didn't want to bother yourself searching them , after all you were very tired , you didn't get enough sleep , had a very stressful day , and still had homework to do , you could feel how your eyes keep closing themselves and how weak your body was , today was a day full of work , you yawned and took BB's bike , you didn't feel like riding it because you were scared you would lose consciousness out of the sudden and break a leg , you just took it with you while walking to your house , you could smell the delicious noodles from the restaurant near , the birds chirping calling for their mother , this town was a very calm place , not a lot of people around , you could just fall asleep right on the spot
As you were walking you got a text notification from your BB
BB: << Y/N come meet me at our neighborhood house ! we all got invited :D Dad the twins and me are waiting ;'', I'll be in the front door of their house ~~~ >>

You kept on staring at the message , you were very mad , so mad , why can't things go the way you want ? Why is the world testing you again ? , You griped onto the bike , sighed and just carried on, you couldn't do much about it anyway , at least the cold wind hitting on your face was calming you down a bit (Just a little bit , Just a little bit and this day will finally end )
Finally you arrived to your house , you put your brother's bike back in the garden , you looked around to find your brother but he wasn't anywhere , you passed a homeless house who had a lot of graffitis and seemed to be quite broken
?? : <<HEY WHERE YOU GOING ?! >>
You turned back and saw your brother he was in front of the homeless house , he gave you a sign to come , you went up to him

Y/N : << what are you doing here ? Didn't you say you'd be in front of our neighborhood house ? >>
BB :<< Yes and we are ! >>
He ran up to you and slapped your shoulder << it's quite old I know >>
You pushed him off of you
Y/N : << HELL YOU MEAN ITS QUITE OLD ?! iTs It's.. It's a homeless house look at all this graffitis and the holes , quite playin around dude it's not funny !>> Your answer was quite the aggressive one but you couldn't help it , after all today had to be one of the worst day you ever had in your entire life , so because of that the slightest annoyance would drive you nuts
BB:<< geez calm down , who hurt you ? damn.. >> he rolled his eyes and took his hand up to the air << yes it is quite the "homeless house " but I ain't lying cmon now >> he pushed you from behind <<everyone is waiting for us >> and he knocked at the door ,
You face-palmed yourself mentally , ( Dumbass what is he even doing ? ... )

Suddenly you heard the door opening slowly and for your suprise a purple haired boy with square glasses was the one who opened it , it was Aren , Aren Kuboyasu from your school ,
Aren : << L/N ?! >>
BB looked at both of you << You know each other ??>>
Y/N : << we .. we are in the same class.. >> Aren and you looked down , silence occurred , it was really awkward both of you didn't know what to say to each other ( weren't he supposed to go to the store with Kaidou??...) BB couldn't stand the silence so he clapped his hand and pushed you inside Aren's house <<WELL ISN'T THAT JUST PERFECT NOW COME ON IN Y/N ! >>
You looked at him confused ( perfect ??? What's "perfect" about this ?)
Y/N << what do you mean perfect?..>> you mumbled to him
He blinked at you and mumbled back << you have a chance to get a new friend ~~>> both of you entered the house , you took your shoes off , and Aren guided you to living room , the inside of the house was way more cleaner than the outside of it , you were kinda shocked , you actually wanted to ask about why's the house in such conditions outside , but that would be disrespectful and both of you , Aren and you aren't even familiar to be even talking as "friends" and question about each others life ,so you restrained yourself

Blooming flower -Aren Kuboyasu x (fem) readerWhere stories live. Discover now