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Rain is pouring heavely down from the gray sky and darkening the already nightfull sky even more. Dripping down as if there's no tomorrow. There weren't for some people. For some people tomorrow would never come again. Death didn't have a schedule. It came as it pleased, and took whoever it pleased. Some people death came instantly. Taking them away in a second. Putting them in car accidents and muggings gone wrong. Others had to go through he'll and back. Fighting illness. Always fighting, and always losing. Cancer I think must be one of death's favorite. Giving the victims hope that they'll survive, but then suddenly, it eats the whole body like water eats snow. Most people who die, die way too young in our oppinion. Over the past three years I've been learning to cope with it. Death I mean. We all have die eventually. In fact we're dying as we speak, but it's like a wise man once said, 'only the good ones die young, all the evil seem to last forever'.

The rain is still coming heavy from the skies. I look out at the many rocks surrounding me. All the inscriptions marking of people so they will not be forgotten. Yet no one is here but me. No one is grieving over anyone on this day. No one is here to keep all these people company. They're just lying there, alone. I murmur the same words I say every time I come here. ' Man do not fear death. Man fear oblivion'.

The gras is slowly dying away as the winter approaches. The trees are losing leaves. Losing life. Becoming naked, as if pulled out of a horror movie. Bent in hard and intimidating shapes. The pouring rain just gives an even more eerie feeling to the cemetery. The graves become taller. Towering over me. Praying on my fear, just waiting for the moment I'm not looking. An unwilling shiver runs over my spine, and I quickly starts pacing down the small road. My sneaker 's making deafening noises for every single step I take on the harsh gravel.

Leaving the cemetery for behind me, I start making my way home. My new home. A home far away from the dull ache in my heart, and in to a fresh wound.

Depressing I know, right? So please give me your oppinion on this chapter, prologue thingy. I would love to hear your thoughts

This is my second storie here on wattpad (I'm not really finished with the first one). I'm actually pretty excited for this story.
Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me hear some opinions, ey?

Forever yours

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