Chapter one

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Hey! My name Felix Raven, and I'm the lucky bastard who gets to tell this wondeful story. However first you need to know five imortant things about me.

1) I can absolutley not handle even numbers (which is why it's so frustrating being 18).

2) I cry like a little girl cutting onions during chick flicks (yes, you heard correctly. I am a guy, and I'm into chick flicks).

3) Hurt the people I love, and bad, bad things will happen...

4) Never, and I mean never get in between me and food. It will not end nicely.

5) Did you know that Scotlands national animal is the unicorn? The reason why this is imortant? Freaking unikitty's dude.

There you go, a whole lot of reasons to treat me excactly like every other human being walking upon this earth. Anyways, this story is not really about me. It's about an amazingly cool girl named Annabeth Reese. And although she is extremly quiet and weird, there's way more than what meets the eye. First we have to meet her though. So lets start this crazy journey, remember to buckle up and keep your arms inside the wehicle at all times, 'cause you're in for a ride.

This story starts a completley normal monday morning, or as normal as it would ever be at our modest little white house. Our household consists of me and my dad. I've never known who my mum was. My dad told me she left us when I was a kid, but I don't really care. Anyways, back to the completly normal morning. A normal morning for my blue eyed self, involves a hell of alot of screaming, me screaming at my dad (people can't really talk to me before 9 am), and my dad screaming at me to get my lazy ass out of bed. Did you guys know that the word bed looks like a bed? I know, mind blowing.

This morning though, I must admit, might have been a tad bit different. It may have something to do with the fact that this morning my father wasn't screaming at me to get out of bed. No, this morning we were arguing about moving away from London. I am not a big fan of this situation. My over optimistc father finds this extremly frustrating. I mean why would I move away from London?So many children all over Europe dream about living in London. I can't let so many small dreams down by moving away.

"Lexie! Get your lazy ass down here right now!" Yeah, that's right, my father calls me Lexie. You got a problem with that? Didn't think so. "Do we have to move today, dad?" I shout from the comfortable warmth of my bed. "Yes, now get moving." Dad say, not even out of breath after running up stairs to drag me to the car if necesarry. "You'll never get me!" Screaming out a battle cry as I grip my bed tightly. Releasing a battle cry of his own, he dives in for my leggs before I can pull them to safety.



Judy here, wassup!!!

Just kidding...Or not ;)) Nevertheless I Just wanna say that I don't like authorsnotes, so I probably won't write them. Just please comment and wote, I would love to hear your thought about it.

Ciao now


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