(Y/n)= Your name
It was morning, and you were going to school again. When you got out of your house after eating breakfast, and dressing in your uniform for school, you went to the bus stop. It was so cold outside for you then, until the point where the snot in your nose froze, and then your nose became red. Your hands were becoming red with frostbite just standing outside for a couple of minutes. The bus didn't arrive until, about 8:30 am. Your bus was so late. You were too. All this snow prevented the bus from arriving on time. When you got to school, you went to the office to get a pass, and then went to your locker to put away your stuff and get your stuff for class. You were basically the only one walking in the halls, since everyone else is in their classes.
You got to class, and this is all you see. Several people laughing at you, and looking at you as you make your way to your seat. You saw Jackson smirk at you. You didn't like it. You went up to him and asked, "What did you tell these people again?? Why should threy believe whatever you tell them about me? Have they seen me outside of school? No they haven't. Why are you so mean to me ever since the beginning of the school year? What have I done wrong to you?" He said, "(Y/n), oh (y/n), ohhhhh (y/n), you just don't get it do you...? You're stupid." He laughed heartily after that. You said, "Then what is it then? Just tell me later, okay? Class is still happening right now." He said, "No, right now I will tell you since you're that stupid." Right after he said that, he dragged you out of the classroom, holding your wrist tightly.
The teacher didn't notice you guys left. He pinned you down against a locker, breath caught short, and then kissed you. You were shocked beyond words, your heart was beating really fast and your face turned beet red. Jackson smirked at you when he pulled away. He said, "That's why i'm like this. You make me like this. It's your fault. Sorry not sorry. I just really, do, absolutely like you. I still don't know what to do with these feelings, all I can do to vent it out, is to be mean to you."
You said, "I-I really, um.....how do I put this.....I think I started to like you too...earlier this year when you were playing at the finals, for your basketball game or whatever, I fell in love with you then. I don't know how, or why, but I did. Unexpectedly." You blushed so hard after that, realizing you just confessed your own hidden feelings for him too. He smiled after that, but while blushing a little too, and then kissed you again, still pinning you to the locker with his hands. He said, "Will you be my girlfriend?" You said, "Yes, but can we go back inside the classroom? The teacher will probably be wondering by now where we were. Let's go."
He nodded his head in agreement, making his way to the classroom with you. Let's just say, you and him had alot of things to explain about that day, to the teacher, and the class. Lol.
Well, hope you enjoyed this guys!!! I tried my best to make it seem intense, lol. Idkay if it is though, but you could say it was....it was for me while writing it..... hehehehhe....well, bye!!!