Chapter 20 Her Sins

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Grace Pov

( Unedited )

I wouldn't allow anyone hurt him. No matter what.

What ever was in Jason's mother diary won't change how I feel. I will save him.

The ring Jason gave to me the day he was taken hanged around my neck loosely.
Taking it off I slip it on my finger and thought of the cafe that Josh took me to so many weeks ago. It felt like forever since I have been there.

Turning the rings I shut my eyes and felt the air change and swish around me before I heard the honking sounds of cars. And chattering people.
Opening my eyes, people stare at me confused.

Ignoring them I walk away. The boats of my heals click on the ground as I rush past people. I remembered the way.

In no time soon I was standing at the front of a very old looking church. Walking into the gate I open the door before going into the elevator.

Once the doors opened I saw people all around rushing to and thou.

But the moment I stepped out everyone stopped moving and looked at me.

Everything went silent suddenly Josh walked with another person next to him. His face shocked when he saw me.

"B-B-But how- when" he tried to say but I ignored him.

"I'm here for Jason. I was told he was here for now. And I am here to take him home with me." I announced.

The man standing next to Josh growled like a dog. Werewolves.

"That can not happen Grace. Come here and we will take the spell that's on you right now from-from him," Josh said putting his hand out for me to take but all I did was stare. Was he serious.

"No, he has not put any spell on me besides love and that what I do. I love him. And I'll do anything for him," I say stepping forward.

"Grace, please don't do this," the man says putting my attention onto him.
He had short dark black hair with brown eyes. That looked at me with kindness and care.

My eye brows twist together in confusion. "Leo?"

He nods showing his straight teeth. "Yeah? Don't you remember me? Come one Grace, this isn't you! You love wearing goofy clothes not dark goth clothes. We can help you"

Memory's of me and Leo sitting on the couch as we played on his Xbox. Which I would suck at. His soft big warm hands would be over mine helping me.

A lump forms in my throat. Tears prickle my eyes. "Oh Leo-" I wouldn't to run up to him and cry on his shoulder. Tell him everything as he would run his fingers through my hair telling me everything is alright. But nothing was alright anymore.

Shaking away the tears i remembers Jason. "No! I'm here for Jason. And to leave with him. No one will stop me."

Josh's face looked sad and angry.
While Leo's face was shocked.

I take a step forward and at that very moment the werewolves run at me ready to change.

As the closest one gets to close I smash my fist in his face sending him back. My hand hurts just a tiny bit but blood covers it. In no time all the wolves are trying to grab me. Twisting and arms braking them, punching kicking and sliding.

By the time I reached the door of Jason's, my shirt had holes all through it with blood all over my body.

Whipping my face with my hand I open the door and walk in smiling and waiting for Jason's to run into my arms dying he loved me for coming to him.

But the moment I saw was shock that turned into anger. "What the fuck are you doing here?! I told you to stay at the house and everything will be fine!" He screamed at me. "I knew you were bloody useless!"

I whimpered. "I came to help rescue you, because I love you," I say walking forward. But his eyes look into mine with disgust.
"Don't you love me?" I ask feeling tears prickle my eyes.

Jason started to laugh. "Love you?! Are you fucking crazy?!" His face suddenly turns serious. "It's because of you I'm living like I am. My father got killed and my mother was killed for my fathers wrong doings ! She killed her self so she wouldn't have to her disappointment of a child! That my father got cursed! You ruined my life !" He screamed in my face.

Tears fell down my face as I fell forward onto my knees. "But all the stuff-"

"Was to get you to trust me! I was only doing it to get revenge to the shadowhunters for this and you were my plan the whole time ! You were going to start the war!" He screamed at me before falling silent.

Before I knew it all I saw was red. Getting up from the floor I walk over towards Jason. I was ready to kill him. Lifting my fist up I smash my hand into his face earning a groan. His hands were tied back onto the chair and so was his feet so he couldn't get away.

I push his face over an over again till blood covered his face. Suddenly I felt a small prick of a needle before everything went black.

Nothing. That what I felt. Nothing. I didn't care what happened to me anymore. I wanted to die. To end everyone's worries.

For the past two months I have been in a white room doing nothing but lay on the messed up sheets of the bed.

Nothing was in the room besides the bed and a table that had food and water on it.

But I saw no point in eating anymore. They are just wasting food on me that I will never eat. A big wide mirror covers half of a wall and I knew it was a one way glass. People could see me but I couldn't see them.

All I saw was me. My cheeks have hollowed out. My arms got skinnier and stick like. I have lot so much weight it was in healthy. I would drink water every day but have at least a biscuit once and a while.

People would come in and check on me. Out needles in my arm but I hardly notice them anymore. Some times someone would come in an talk to me. I never said anything back. I just stared at the White wall and ignored the voice.

My fingers would play with Jason's ring he gave me. That was what I did for two months. I saw no point in talking anymore. I saw no point in walking anymore. I saw no point in noticing anything anymore.
And I saw no reason to live anymore.

My fingers twirled the ring on my finger as I remembered what Jason said to me. I'm nothing but an object. That's what he meant. I meant nothing to him. And never will.

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