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"Hon?" I look around the bedroom as I adjust my eyesight

"I'm here" I look to where the voice came from "Goodmorning Nini" She greeted me after she close the walk-in closet

"Goodmorning" I smile "Where are you going?" I ask while I scan her clothes "You know it's Jon's 1st birthday today" I firmly said

Yes, today is the day. Our eldest is turning 1 today. The past 2 weeks had been somewhat...I don't know? What I mean is I don't understand my mood swings and I know that sometimes, I am hurting Lisa's feelings because of my attitude. I'm not cold hearted to not feel what she's feeling and I'm feeling sorry for my attitude towards her which is why I am trying myself to control it because I'm hurt when I can hear her crying inside our bathroom when I'm being harsh already

"I told you last night right baby?" She sits beside me and hold my hand. I look at her confusedly "I'm going out for a while to check the venue" She explain with her softest voice which I almost frown but replace it with a smile

"Sorry I forgot" I look down. I felt her hands cup my face then moves it to face her

"It's ok" She chuckles and kiss my forehead "Just stay here, I already told the maids to bring you breakfast and Jon is with Chae"

"Is it pancakes with avocado?" I flash my gummy smile

"Yes hon, with extra chocolate syrup" She said which made me squeal. Well I'm not surprised because everyday I ask pancakes with avocado for breakfast

"I love you!" I cutely said which made her chuckle

"Love you too!" She kiss my lips then looks at her watch "I'll be out for and hour ok honey? I'll be back before lunch so call me went you needed anything ok?" I nod quickly and kiss her cheeks multiple times

"Be back early!" I said and claps my hands like a kid when a maid enters with my breakfast


"I want the gifts to be placed here" I instructed the staff and quickly look around

"Lisa everything is fine now, let me handle the rest" I face Jisoo and was about to talk "Go back home, take care of Jennie and Jon"

I just sigh and nod "Alright Chu, don't worry I'll take care of your wife. Thank you" I smile in which she give back. I look at my watch and I still have 30 minutes before the promising time I said to Jennie. Just enough time


"Hon you look beautiful" I let Jennie face me then admire her face down to her attire then back to her face "We just need this one" I grab her beige coat and let her wear it

"Hey couple!" Chae greets us while carrying Jonathan

"Hey Chaengie! Thank you so much! I owe you" I smile then gets Jonathan "Happy birthday baby boy!" I cheerfully said and pamper him with kisses which made him giggle. Music to my ears

"Happy birthday baby!" Jennie stands beside me and kiss our son's cheeks

"Awww it's cute! Anyways lets take a picture!" Chae said and we all position ourselves while she's taking a picture with our camera. I don't know where she get that but I don't care

"Come here Chae and I'll take a picture of you and Jonny" I said then give Jonathan to her and gets the camera

It took us 30 minutes for just the picture taking then we made our way to the venue. The party is somehow grand because me and Jennie's parents invited their colleagues and so as ours. We greeted the guests while we're waiting for others to arrive and after 15 minutes the party started while the hired host was entertaining everyone especially the kids. It took how many seconds then me and Jennie was walking at the carpet at the middle while I'm carrying Jon to give him the spotlight. I did my welcome speech as soon as we made our way to the front.

We throw out some party games for the kids for around 30 minutes and we finally sing Jonathan a happy birthday while me and Jennie blows the cake for him. Jennie then gives a little speech thanking everyone and to enjoy their food. We roam around to thank the guest and have a little picture taking with each table

"The famous Lisa!" I flinch when a man suddenly approach my table. I just stand up and smile

"Sorry, do we know each other?"

"No" He laughs. A creepy one. I take a glance at Jennie and Jisoo who is looking at us

"Oh" I chuckle slightly "E-enjoy the party" I said. I was about to sit down when he grab my arm and pin me on top of the table. I flinch when he went near my face

"Ms. Manoban!" The guards quickly run towards the man and grabs him away from me

"Lisa!" Jennie helps me up "Are you alright hon?" I just nod and look at the guest to give them our apology

"It's a sasaeng" Chu pats my shoulder "Stay here and let me handle it" I nod in response before she left

"Lisa, darling are you alright?" Our parents approach us together with Sajangnim. I just nod again in response

"Calm down" Sajangnim said "Just handle the party, I'll handle the security" He added and he left together with our dads

I look at Jennie and guide her back to her seat "I'm alright hon" I give her an assuring smile then fix my clothes before going infront to thank everyone and tell them to just enjoy the party since the program is done

It took 2 and half hours before the whole venue was empty. We had a series of photographs again

"Please arrange this inside Jon's bedroom" I instruct the bodyguards who were putting all my son's gifts inside the van

"Hey Lis, do you need any help?" Chae approaches me

"Oh everything fine Chip" I smile "Thank you" I hug and kiss her cheeks

"Ehem!" I was stunned at my place and I know my bestfriend is too. We both turn and saw the Kim sisters glaring at us

"B-babe!" Chae calls Jisoo nervously "It's no problem Lisa" She said and drags Jisoo towards their car

"Thanks and drive safe!" I shout and turns to Jennie "Hey" I smile and gets Jonathan from her "Let-" I wasn't able to finish when she went towards our car

I'm praying for my soul tonight


CELEBRITY TROUBLE (JENLISA G!P)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now