Chapter 3

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I just pulled into the parking garage of my workplace. I was a few minutes early so I sat in my car looking in the mirror to see if my makeup was still covering everything nicely, and it was. When it was finally time for me to head inside I did. I walked over to the coffee machine and I was greeted by a cheerful Emily.

"Hello JJ, how was you're night."

"It was nice, when I got home I took a little nap and after I watched some tv, so it was a quiet night. How about you." I said with a fake smile.

"It was good, also quiet. Sergio cuddled up with me as we watched some Grey's anatomy."

"Without me." I said grabbing my chest pretending to be hurt by that.

"I'm sorry, I promise I will rewatch all the episodes with you again, deal?"

"Good, deal."

It was nice talking with Emily, she always made me feel safe and comfortable. She told me that it was just going to be another paperwork day. So I made myself another cup of coffee before I walked back. I was quite happy about the fact we didn't have a case. I smiled to her as I walked back into my office. I set my purse down on the floor and walked over to the stack of papers sitting on my desk. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I then shut all the blinds so no one could see me. I just needed to be left alone for the day. After I closed myself off from everyone I went to my desk so I could start the paperwork.

Emily's POV:
After talking to JJ for a bit she went back to her office and I went to my desk. I watched her as she walked away, her outfits always look nice. When I got back to my desk I looked up to JJ's office and I watched her shut the blinds. It wasn't common for her to do that but I didn't think to much of it. It was a normal boring day. I talked with Morgan and Reid while we worked, Morgan started to pick on Reid which was quite funny. After a few hours it was 12 and I was ready to go out for lunch. I got up from my desk and walked over to JJ's office to see if she wanted to go with me. When I was about to go in the door was locked so I knocked.

"Hey JJ it's Emily, I was wondering if you wanted to get some lunch with me?"

"I- um, yeah sure. I'll be out in a few."

"Okay I'll be at my desk."

After talking with JJ she seemed shocked when I knocked on the door. I felt bad because I didn't mean to startle her.

I was sleeping at my desk since I wasn't able to sleep much last night, then I was awoke to a knock at my office door. It was Emily. She just asked if I wanted to get lunch with her. I didn't want her to think anything was up with me so I agreed, and we always got lunch together. We went to a nice little coffee shop near our work and got some sandwiches and coffee. We talked about our plans for the weekend and talked about work. I said I had plans but I was really not doing anything but staying in and watching tv. After 20 minutes we finished our food and went back to work. Emily and I went our separate ways, she went to her desk and I went to my office. I closed and locked the door and got started on my paperwork again.

It was now around 6:30 and everyone left the office except me and Emily. I collected my things and was ready to leave. I said goodbye to Emily before I got in the elevator. I got back to my car and drove home.

When I got my to apartment and opened the door I was surprised that I was alone. Will hasn't come back since last night, and hopefully he wouldn't be back at all.

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