Chapter 3

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Sorry everyone if this annoys you.. But I'm going to do like a 3 years later type story from the point in the story because it's hard being so close to the actual plot of the show so bare with me. Chapter 3 is where it will begin...

Three years later


((((At the moment Serena is with Dan, Nate is with Vanessa and Blair and Chuck are single.))))

Serena woke up beside Dan, she turned on to her side and smiled whilst watching him sleep. He opened his eyes slowly looking directly into Serena's eyes and he giggled.

"Were you watching me sleep?" She laughed and stepped out of bed to make breakfast.

Dan stepped out of bed aswell and offered to make breakfast for her.

"I think we should go out to 'Manilla' for breakfast this morning. My shout." She suggested.

"Ok, let me just get changed."


They decided what to eat and waited for their order when Lily and Rufus walked in. Lily and Rufus were trying things out as in being together to see if it works out. Dan shuffled his seat slightly away from Serena when Lily and Rufus chose to join them.

"I think our invite got lost in the mail?" Rufus laughed like an embarrassing Dad.

Serena and Dan felt quite awkward around them when they were together. Plus sharing a brother in the same town of you is weird.

"Oh sorry guys, I totally forgot that I have a meeting with someone for my book. Cancel my order Serena?" He lied. He kissed her goodbye and left.

Once he walked out he texted Serena. "I'm sorry! Had to get out of there. Lots of work to do. Xx"

Serena rolled her eyes and stayed for breakfast.


Blair was giving tasks to the people at Waldorf Designs since she's the new boss.

"Miss Blair there is a visitor for you!" Dorota said.

It was Chuck.

"What do you want Chuck, I'm busy!"

"I have a small problem. I have this girl stuck in my room and she won't leave." He spoke in his charming, voice.

"Really? Is that it? I have bigger problems Chuck!" She yelled.

"Blair go, I will hold down the fort here." Dorota suggested strongly, although she isn't a big fan of Chuck she knows Blair quite likes him.

"Ugh fine."

She stormed through the elevated door into Chuck's room.

"Hey! You!" She yelled at her, grabbed her clothes and physically dressed her.

"Now get out you little tramp!"

The girl was very intimidated by Blair and ran out of the room. Chuck then placed his hands on Blair's waist.

"Thanks I guess. Would you like to stay?" He smirked and Blair almost fell for it until she snapped out of it. She didn't want to be another girl to him although Chuck finds Blair special.

"I have to get back to work.." She turned and walked out.

-Gossip girl blast-

"2 girls including B walking out of The Empire not looking so happy. What has C done this time?!"

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