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I sigh, glancing from the clock to my pencil that I've been tapping on the desk. Time doesn't go faster when you stare at it. Just in case you were wondering.

I look out the small window by the door, doing a double take once I see Bradley standing there, waving me to come out of the room. I glance from him to the teacher, biting my lip before raising my hand.

"Yes, Ella?"

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Can it wait until after the lesson?" He sighs.

I look back and see Brad pouting.

"It's a girl emergency." I blurt, causing a few guys in the class to snicker.

"Oh. Uh, go ahead." The teacher looks down, face heating up.

Works every time.

I rush out of the room, meeting Brad behind the door.

"This better be good, Simpson. I had to use Mother Nature to get out of that class." I laugh.

"Let's skip class and do something fun. Want to?" He smirks, taking my hand.

"Wait, won't we get in trouble?" I frown.

"Not if you don't tell anyone. As far as they know, you're on a bathroom break." Brad shrugs.

"What about you? What's your excuse?"

"Don't worry about me. Let's go." He nods his head towards the side exit and tugs me along. "There's a gas station right up the road, and I'm dying for ice cream."

I giggle at the kid-like grin on Bradley's face at his own mention of ice cream.

"Walk faster! C'mon!" He pouts, playfully jerking on my hand.

"This is as fast as it gets, buddy."

"At this rate, we'll get there when I have hair on my chest." He groans. "Just get on my back, I'll carry you."

"Someone's eager to get their ice cream." I tease and happily oblige to jumping on Brad's back. "You smell nice." I mumble as I rest my head on Brad's shoulder.

"Thanks?" He lets out a laugh.

"Sorry, that was weird." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I like weird." Brad shrugs, making a smile smile tug at my lips.

He releases my thighs and my feet softly hit the ground in front of the doors to the gas station. Brad pushes the door open, a little bell ringing as he does so, and I trail in behind him. The place is completely deserted, other than a man that looks to be in his mid-30's behind the counter, too distracted by his phone to spare us a hello.

The two of us pad over to the single wall lined with freezer products and stop in front of the ice cream section. Bradley pops open the door and reaches for a pint of cookie dough flavor.

"This is the best kind, I swear to God." He gushes. "Okay, what kind do you want?"

"Let's just share it." I shrug, turning to walk up to the front.

"What are you doing?" He places his hand on my arm, halting me.

"Going to the register?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Ella, we're not paying." Brad whispers, sneakily slipping the pint of ice cream in his jacket.

I glance from Brad to the cashier, who still is oblivious to anything going on. "I don't think we should-"

"It's fine. Don't you trust me?"

I sigh, hesitantly nodding. I know this isn't the right thing to do, but it's just one little pint of ice cream, right? Harmless.

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