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awh look at brad's cute little ass (;

I smile to myself as I glance at my reflection; I finally got around to washing the shirt Brad gave me. I like how the sleeves are a little too long and the hem hangs down lower than it should.

I mange to slip out of the house before one of my family member gets a chance to interrogate me about my 'new shirt', and walk straight through the woods. The grass is still squishy with mud, considering how hard it had rained the other day.

I approach Bradley where he's leaned against a thick tree trunk, his infamous maroon beanie capped on his head. He glances up and sees me, smiling and holding out his hand for me to take. I intertwine out fingers and run my thumb across the back of his hand once as we walk in silence to the paint-chipped doors of the school, just as we do every morning.

"So, what's the plan for today?"

"I'm not sure yet. But I'm sure we'll figure something out." Brad shrugs, subconsciously pulling his beanie further down as people give us judge mental stares.

"Guess we better get to thinking." I pull him down on the floor so that I'm leaning against the vending machine, Brad directly across from me. The two of us are sprawled out on the floor, our feet pushed up against each other's like kindergarteners.

I sigh, blowing a stray hair from my face as I keep my gaze on the ceiling. The hallways have cleared up and we still haven't thought of anything to do.

"I'm bored, Bradley." I whine as I take two pieces of my hair and mindlessly twist them together.

"Be patient, I'm thinking." He shushes me.

"Think faster." I tease and poke his sides, causing him to let out an episode of laughter. He brushes my hands away and sends me a warning glare, saying not to do that again or we'll get caught.

My mind is still running blank, so instead of actually helping him find something to waste our time with, I pull out my phone and start tapping away and on stupid game that I find addicting.

Brad sits up, holding his weight with his palms, and smirks at me. "I know what we can do."

"Miss Mcvey?" The counselor startles us. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

Brad flicks his eyes upwards, signaling for me to meet him there after this period.

"Uh, yes ma'am. I was just on my way." I force a smile and huff as I walk towards the classroom. I slip in and take my seat, knowing that there's no way I can get out of this class. Two boys behind me keep kicking my chair, purposely. I roll my eyes as they try to stifle their laughs, I won't let them get to me.

Although, this has been happening a lot lately, the constant teasing. Name calling, pointing, staring, laughing, sometimes light shoves. It kind of hurts, how people I've never said a word to harass me in multiple ways. But, I'll always have Brad there to make it up for me.

After an hour and a half of pretending to copy down notes, the bell rings. I'm the first one up and out of the room, not taking any chances of getting caught again.

"Ella? Ella, slow down." A familiar hands grasps around my arm.

It's been easy for me to avoid tristan without feeling super guilty, considering I don't even stay at school for the majority of the day. But this, it hit me hard right when I see the concerned expression on his face.

"Hey. I feel like we haven't talked in ages." He frowns, pulling me in for a hug that i hesitantly return.

"Yeah." I shrug. "I've just been around, you know?"

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