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It's raining.

I love rain. The smell of it on concrete, the sound as it drops down onto different objects, even the way it makes you feel tired.

But that doesn't mean I want to walk to school in it.

I go down the hallway to James' room, busting open the door. The loud noise causes him to shoot up from the bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What the hell?" He grumbles, fully sitting up so that his blanket naturally falls down, revealing his shirtless chest.

"Drive me to school?" I ask, hope evident in my voice. I know asking him is a long shot, especially in the morning, but it's worth a try.

James rolls his eyes, falling back down on the bed and pulling the blankets over his head. "No."

"Please, James!" I pout.

He ignores me.

"James!" I whine, elongating his name to annoy him.

He huffs, whipping out of his bed and stomping towards me.

"Go away, Ella!" He pushes my out of his room, slamming the door shut.

"How am I supposed to get to school?!" I yell from the opposite side of the closed door.

"I don't know, get a drivers license."

"I'm not old enough, dipshit." I cross my arms despite him not being able to see me.

"Not my problem!"

I groan, grabbing my bag off the floor and heading for the door. He wasted my time and now I'm probably going to be late for school.

I open the door and immediately collide bodies with someone. I look up to see familiar blonde hair and a big smile.

"Sorry." He awkwardly laughs.

"Tristan, thank God!" I wrap my arms around him, relieved that someone has saved me from the pouring down rain.

"I know how you normally walk to school, and figured you probably didn't want to today." He shrugs, motioning to the water falling from the sky.

"Why didn't I think of calling you?" I scold myself.

"I don't have a phone anyways." Tris shrugs as he leads me out to his car.

"Well, thanks for thinking of me." I say sheepishly, admiring the way that someone cared enough to think about me during this situation.

"It's hard not to." He glances at me and laughs.

My cheeks heat up and I nervously laugh it off.

We back out of the driveway and continue down the road. Tris turns on the radio and I roll the passenger side window halfway down, sticking my arm out to feel the rain beat down on my palm.

"What are you doing?" Tris furrows his eyebrows, not a hint a judgment in his eyes.

"It feels cool on your hands, try it."

"You're weird." He teases, shaking his head.

"I've been getting that a lot lately." I shrug and roll the window back up.


I shove my dollar in the machine, waiting for the M&M's to drop. I found it on the floor in second period so I decided machine candy would be a tastier alternative to cafeteria food. Plus, I didn't see Brad in the lunch room, so I thought I'd go look for him.

My suspicions are proved true once I walk up the grey stairs to the roof. Bradley is sat on the bench, resting his head on the railing.

"Want some?" I join him on the bench, holding out my bag of M&M's.

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