Police Station

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I swear to Netflix that TK is in the next chapter

3 Hour Time Skip

Carlos' POV

We got to the station two hours ago. I ended up having to sit in the backseat with Lane while Lindsey drove the patrol car, I know it's not the safest way to travel, with a child in your lap instead of in a car seat, but the kid literally wouldn't budge. If he tightened his hold around my neck anymore I'm sure I would've passed out.

And that led us to here. I was sitting at my desk trying to type up my report on the domestic violence call turned homicide with a sleeping three year old in my lap. Then all of a sudden the chief of police walked in with a man in a suit standing next to him.

"Reyes!" The chief called for me.

I scrambled to get to my feet without waking Lane.

"Yes chief."

"Carlos this is Dr. Fredrick Griffin, he's a child physiologist." He said gesturing to the man.

"I've been informed of what happened on your call and am here to question the little boy you found." The doctor announced.

"Alright look I get that it's important we get information from the kid, but look at him. The poor guy has been through hell. Are we really gonna make him relive it right now?" I asked hating the way that my words didn't seem to phase them at all. Instead the doctor furrowed his eyebrows slightly then in the blink of an eye his face returned back to neutral and calm. How do people like this even exist no empathy for a child who just watched his mother get stabbed to death.

"You seem a bit attached." The doctor said in an almost robotic voice.

"Well I'm the one that found him. I guess he trusts me most."

The doctor hummed in recognition

"I feel it would be best for you to stay with the boy while we question him." He announced once again in the same robotic voice.

"What? Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean he fell asleep on my shoulder yeah, but I didn't spend years studying kids brains." I said glancing at the boy who's head was still resting on my shoulder.

"I did spend years studying kids brains and trust me he'll probably be more open with you there." The doctor said in his same robotic voice.

"But my shift ends in a half an hour."

"Reyes we both know you have no problem staying late for work." The chief said in his usual gruff voice.

"... Alright, I can't think of any more reasons I can't help with the questions doctor."

1 hour later

Carlos' POV

Questioning Lane with the doctor was a blur, I just know he got really quiet when we tried to ask him about his mom and her boyfriend. It's strange how much this three year old boy can pick up from just watching people enough. He just kept repeating, "Mommy said hide." and "Andy's mean." Which was fucking heartbreaking.

When Dr. Griffin finished asking him questions all Lane did was climb into my lap and hide his face in my neck, just like TK does when the world is a little too much for him.

I guess Lane is more attached to me than I thought.

Yo I'm so exited to write the next chapter with TK I love him so much he hasn't been in the story yet so I'm hyped. Btw feedback is nice so comment something if you want.

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