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Carlos' POV

Owen was at work, TK and Lane were asleep, and I was making everyone breakfast. Or I was trying to make everyone breakfast, truth is I had barely slept the night before. I tried to sleep but it wasn't really working, so instead I laid awake watching TK sleep with Lane sleeping on his chest.

Lane's quiet but smarter than anyone gave him credit for, it was like he could tell somehow that TK was upset yesterday so he insisted on sleeping in the bed with him.

I already called in sick and Owen gave TK the day off, after hearing about what happened with the social worker he felt it was the least he could do.

"Carlos! Babe!"

I got snapped out of my thoughts by TK standing near me holding Lane both still in their pajamas.


"That's burning." He says while pointing at the skillet on the stove.

I looked back at what I was cooking on the stove and he was right.

"Oh shit!" I mumbled while quickly switching off the stove.

"Hey, watch what you say in front of the child." TK mockingly said while covering one of Lanes ears with his hand.

"Yeah, sorry baby."

"So, what were you making? And why did you burn it?" He asked while stepping slightly closer.

"Well, it was supposed to be eggs but didn't turn out to well."

He looked at me for second, seemingly analyzing something. I don't think he would've stopped if Lane hadn't started whining and reaching over for me. He handed Lane to me before speaking again.

"Why don't we go out for breakfast?"

"Are you sure it's really a good time for that?" I asked while rocking Lane slightly.

"Cmon, we had a rough day yesterday let's go get pancakes or something."

I looked down at Lane who had his head resting on my shoulder.

"... okay, let's go to Ihop or something."



We were in the parking lot of an Ihop and Lane was freaking out. It was kinda funny actually, it had been raining for 2 days straight so the entire parking lot was soaked, and my son didn't want his Paw Patrol rain boots to get wet.

"Papa, I don't wanna get it wet!" I heard Lane screaming at Carlos. He wasn't crying yet but you could tell he was holding back a few tears.

Carlos crouched down to look at the three year old better.

"Buddy they're rain boots, they're supposed to get wet." He desperately tried explaining to the distraught toddler to no avail.

Lane completely ignored him and whined a bit more till Carlos let out a sigh and gave up. Instead of trying to argue with the headstrong child he reached down a picked him up.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He said looking towards me standing next to them.

"Little bit."


Lane got chocolate chip pancakes, I got red velvet pancakes, and Carlos got harvest grain 'n nut pancakes, because he's boring.

All the pancakes where good surprisingly even the grain 'n nut ones, and Lane was a mess.

Carlos was filming him smearing syrup, and chocolate, and whipped cream on his face while laughing.

"Here baby let me wipe off your face." I said while grabbing a napkin and wiping his mouth clean of the mixture of different sticky foods.

"Thanks daddy!"


Everything stopped.

"Did you get that on video?"

"Uh, yeah."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I pulled Lane into a hug and kissed his still partially sticky face.

Yesterday sucked, but I knew who I was fighting for, I knew before but right then I was certain. I was not letting those old hags take my son.



This is a short chapter I'm not that proud of it but TK and Carlos deserve to have a nice day with their son before they have to continue fighting with his grandparents.

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