Meeting The Team

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So I realize there are some inconsistencies in this story, we're gonna pretend Carlos and TK's house did burn down and so did the fire house but they fixed the firehouse super quick and that's why it's not burned to the ground in my story. Also I know it takes 6 months to be able to foster a kid in real life but this is a story so we'll just say they didn't need to go through the whole process.


Carlos' POV


"Babe! Come on get up!"

I yelled at TK while I shook him awake.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He asked groggy from sleep.

"8:30, we slept through our alarms." I told him while changing.

He practically jumped out of bed to start getting ready when he heard this.

"We still have to get Lane ready." He said while pulling on his jeans.

"I know babe."

The second I finished putting on my shoes I speed walked to Lanes room to start getting him ready.

I shook him awake a tad bit more gentle then I did to TK a minute ago. "Hey baby we gotta get ready." I told him as he stood up.

Since we were in a rush I didn't have time to find some elaborate outfit for him to wear so I just grabbed him a pear of jeans, a t-shirt, converse, and a sweater in case he got cold later on.

Getting Lane dressed was proving to be quite difficult, he obviously must have slept rough last night because instead of complying with me trying to dress him he chose to scream when I tried to change his clothes.

"Lane, baby, me and TK are late it would be helpful if you would get dressed." I said trying to reason with my foster son.

Lane seemed to not be having any of it though and chose to sit in the floor and play with a toy car instead.

"Lane we don't have time for this."

He ignored me, and played with his toy.

"Why isn't he dressed yet? Carlos?" I turned around for a second to see TK standing in the doorway of Lanes room.

"He doesn't want to get dressed."

TK let out an audible sigh and walked to where Lane was sitting in the floor playing with his car. He knelt down and took his toy from him.

"No!" Lane started whining and reaching for his toy.

"Lane, you can have your toy back after you get dressed."

Lane looked upset but walked over to me and actually let me dress him.

We were about to walk out the door when I stopped myself, TK looked back at me while bouncing Lane a little on his hip.

"Carlos, what are you doing we're already late." He snapped at me.

"Where are we going?"

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